2010 Team

Edinburgh 2010 is a truly global and ecumenical team effort. No study process, no website or logo, no celebrations and no global discussion would exist without an endless number of named and unnamed volunteers.
About 70 people are closely involved in the project; dozens more take part in the study process, or play an active role in one of the various committees of Edinburgh 2010.
The Towards 2010 network achieved major steps in the early stages of the planning process, and hosted various events on the Scottish context of the World Missionary Conference; SCOT, a Scottish initiative to mark centenary, is very supportive of the project. Amongst other things, SCOT organises the delegates' visit to local churches and families.
The Edinburgh 2010 Study Process is decentralised and engages academics from all denominations and all parts of the world. Our Study Process Coordinator works closely with the Study Process Monitoring Group and the conveners of the nine study themes.
A core team of Edinburgh 2010 staff keeps the international network connected and spreads the word about Edinburgh 2010.
International Director Dr. Daryl Balia
Dr. Daryl Balia was the first appointed Scholar in Residence at the Selly Oak Centre for Mission Studies in Birmingham before taking up his current position of directing the Edinburgh 2010 project. He holds degrees in theology and public administration which he studied in his native South Africa, Germany and the United States.
An ordained minister of the Methodist Church, he also taught missiology for ten years and worked in Mr. Mandela's government for seven years promoting public ethics and national integrity. About Edinburgh 2010, he notes: 'This is not just about study and celebration of the glory days of mission, but a creative way to open up new perspectives for Christian witness today. I hope that a new vision will arise through serious research to breathe new life to the worldwide church and help us think outside the box about God's mission.'
Study Process Coordinator Dr. Kristeen Kim
Dr. Kirsteen Kim is Associate Senior Lecturer in Theology at Leeds Trinity and All Saints and works half-time for Edinburgh 2010.
British by birth, Kirsteen has worked in the Presbyterian Church of Korea, Union Biblical Seminary in India, the Cambridge Theological Federation and the Selly Oak Colleges in the UK. She specialises in world Christianity and its implications for theology and mission. Her publications include The Holy Spirit in the World (Orbis/SPCK 2007), Joining in with the Spirit (Epworth Press 2010) and, jointly with her husband Sebastian Kim, Christianity as a World Religion (Continuum 2008).
She believes that, ‘a major strength of Edinburgh 2010, as in 1910, is its study process. But this time it encompasses Christians from all over the world and from every Christian church you can think of. This unique global conversation will both inform future mission practice and stimulate further mission studies.’
Visit our resources page to watch an interview with Kirsteen.
Contact Kirsteen at k.kim (at) leedstrinity.ac.uk.
Youth and Mission Coordinator Kirk Sandvig
Kirk Sandvig was appointed as Youth and Mission Coordinator in February 2009. His position is part-time as he is completing his Ph.D. at the University of Edinburgh, New College, in Centre for the Study of World Christianity, specializing in Christianity in Japan. Growing up at studying in the U.S., he has received degrees in Asian Studies (B.A.) from St. Olaf College, and Mission and World Christianity (M.A.) from Luther Seminary.
Kirk sees Edinburgh 2010 as a way to educate, integrate, and empower youth to participate in Christian witness throughout the world today, and believes that youth have an integral voice in the current and future development of mission.
Find an interview with Kirk in our September Newsletter.
Contact Kirk at youth2010 (at) googlemail.com.