Edinburgh 2010 Study Process

Essential to the work of the Edinburgh 1910 Conference, and of abiding value, were the findings of the eight think-tanks or `commissions´. These have inspired the idea of a new round of collaborative reflection on mission in the 21st century. Two small but widely representative consultations held in Edinburgh in 2005 and 2006 identified key issues which were developed into the main study themes and the transversal topics. The study process was launched in 2008, and since then various regional, confessional and other study processes have also contributed to the work. So the final process is documented in three parts:
I. Main study themes
II. Transversal topics
III. Regional, confessional and other study processes
Further information about work done under these headings, together with resources generated, are available through the links above.
Key resources
- Download the Common Call to mission made at the Edinburgh 2010 conference, June 2010.
- For details of the study process at the conference (MS Word file), click here.
- Download the full manuscript of the preparatory volume for conference (pdf file) here.
- See and comment on the reports of the main study themes by going to the main page of each theme.
Between 2007 and 2010 there was an open invitation for institutions, organisations or individuals to get involved in the study process by joining study groups, sending contributions for the website, or commenting online. Churches and mission agencies were encouraged to offer case studies of particular situations where significant mission engagement is taking place. Existing networks, conferences, colloquia, etc. were encouraged to devote part of their programme to consideration of one or more of the 2010 mission themes, and feed them into the study process.
By pooling resources an exceptionally wide range of perspectives to the themes and topics were brought to the study process and are documented on this website. The Edinburgh 2010 project has brought together the widest ever range of Christian bodies for unprecedented global conversation in the spirit of unity in mission which characterised Edinburgh 1910.
For further information about the study process, contact the Edinburgh 2010 Research Coordinator, Dr. Kirsteen Kim (k.kim@leedstrinity.ac.uk).