Youth Competition

At the 1910 World Missionary conference young people were not well represented. Although it was mainly organised by student Christian organisations, most participants had a long lasting experience in their field. In 2010 we want to be more diverse.
We aim for 20% of our delegates to be younger than 30 years of age, and we encourage young missiologists to be engaged in the ongoing debate on the Edinburgh 2010 themes.
Transversal theme 2 is specifically concerned with Youth and Mission. To bring the matter to life we invited you to participate in our Youth Writing Contest and/or our Youth Multimedia Contest. The deadline for submitting essays was 15 January 2010. The deadline for our Multimedia Contest has been extended to 28 February 2010. The contest winners will receive a sponsored invitation to the Edinburgh conference, 2 to 6 June 2010. Winners will be announced in early March.
To find out more about the conditions of participation, click on the links or contact our Youth and Mission Coordinator.