Resources ~ Arts and creative writing

A reflection on the journey to 2010
by Bernard Thorogood
4. Mission and Power
Camp followers all!
After the Roman armies
the missionaries trod the roads of Europe.
Following Spanish conquest
the Jesuits built a Mexican empire.
And when British irregulars planted the flag
the evangelicals soon preached
to make a new world of faith.
So if Americans invade Iraq
the sects follow behind the tanks.
Mission follows the flag,
for blessing, for glory, forever.
And just so the message is changed
to wear the robes of the powerful
and the accents of the victor.
There is another power, more truthful and more just.
It is the human spirit and the divine spirit
united to make a faithful life,
often hidden, prayerful,
active for justice and familiar with tears.
By such power the blind see,
the deaf hear, the lame dance
and the poor know good news has arrived.
To read the poem on study theme 5 click here.