Resources ~ Arts and creative writing

A reflection on the journey to 2010
by Bernard Thorogood
5. Forms of Missionary Engagement
I was sent to this foreign church in a cold land
to bring the warmth of Christian hope.
I met the stallholders in the market
to share my wonder at creation's gifts.
We came as teachers and quickly learnt
that local culture is a rich treasure.
I'm with the UN observers, seeking to hold
the truce and build the peace.
My gift was caring for children;
I found my place in the AIDS orphanage.
Art is my field and it was my joy
to paint the gospel's cry on church walls.
From my youth, called to be a pastor,
I have tried to preach, pray, study and care.
We are minority people, keeping faith
under a corrupt, dangerous regime.
So many gifts, so many callings,
so many hungers of the heart;
release all your people, risen Christ,
from such inward confusion
and such outward shyness
that witness is stopped before it is begun.
Show us all our place, our time
and the offering you desire.
To read the poem on study theme 6 click here.