Resources ~ Arts and creative writing

A reflection on the journey to 2010
by Bernard Thorogood
3. Mission and Postmodernities
The great conglomerate
bound together by currency flows,
oil dependency, pop culture
and instant communication,
levels all our old absolutes
except one - our cash value.
Gone - the honour of craftsmen
the pantheonof genius
the vision of statesmen
the moral certainties of gospel
and now a relative scale of personal taste
and momentary flair.
Yet here we know in fresh ways
the one family of humanity,
how we touch one another
across the globe on every shopping day.
We learn that old
prescriptionsdo not match the ills of technocracy.
Out of these ancient pages
help us, Spirit of Pentecost,
to speak in the common languages
of a world too full of people
too boastful of our skills
too shallow in our dreams
too lonely in our crowds
so that Christ may meet us and make us one.
To read the poem on study theme 4 click here.