Resources ~ Arts and creative writing

A reflection on the journey to 2010
by Bernard Thorogood
2. Christian Mission among other Faiths
Only one way, only one name
only one faith opens the door -
so we have preached our narrow path to God.
Now we wonder,
could God have a purpose in other faiths?
Is there any light there
or are they lost in the night of perdition?
Thank God, you alone make judgements.
We all stand before you
whether we build with straw or stone,
whether our hands are clean
and our hearts pure.
We can only share our confession
that faith has too often been cruel,
intimidating, tribal.
We can only share our confession
that light and truth have come to us
through the Word made flesh
and we are thankful.
This we offer. But we also listen
as all confessions are heard
and all sincere faith respected
and we share one prayer for wholeness.
To read the poem on study theme 3 click here.