Writing Contest

The Edinburgh 2010 Youth Writing Contest is now closed. The Winner will be announced in early March 2010.
Who can participate?
We invite contributions from a wide range of youth (ages 18 - 30) from different theological, denominational, confessional, and geographical areas interested in Christian witness in the world today.
What should you write about?
Essays should engage one of the nine study themes, represent the perspective of youth, and be 3000 (maximum) words in length. They may be submitted in any of the languages of the conference: English, French or Spanish, or in other languages by arrangement with the organisers.
The nine study themes are:
1. Foundation for Mission
2. Christian Mission Among Other Faiths
3. Mission and Post-Modernities
4. Mission and Power
5. Forms of Missionary Engagement
6. Theological Education and Formation
7. Christian Communities in Contemporary Contexts
8. Mission and Unity – Ecclesiology and Mission
9. Mission Spirituality and Authentic Discipleship
Why should you participate?
The papers will be judged by the organisers of the Edinburgh 2010 study process and other invited missiologists. The author of the top paper will receive a sponsored invitation to the Edinburgh 2010 World Mission Conference in June, 2010. Up to ten further papers will be commended by the judges and submitted for publication.
How will this contest be advertised?
This call for papers is being distributed through the networks of Edinburgh 2010, which is inclusive of Protestant, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Evangelical and Pentecostal churches in all regions of the world. Please pass it on through your networks. To download our flyer click here.
When are papers due?
To submit a paper by the deadline of 15 January 2010, or for more information, please e-mail our Youth and Mission Coordinator Kirk Sandvig: 2010youth (at) googlemail.com