

Latest Discussion on Study Themes

For more information on the Edinburgh 2010 study themes, please click here.

Rev. Rudolph H. Pasaribu has submitted this perspective on the challenges and opportunities of Christian mission among other faiths from a grassroots perspective in Indonesia.
Posted By: Kirsteen Kim on Apr 08, 2010 10:43AM
"Mission at and from the Margins" was the title of a colloquium held at the Henry Martyn Institute, Hyderabad, india on 23-27 September 2009. An illustrated report of the event is now available to download and is attached here. The event...
Posted By: Kirsteen Kim on Nov 20, 2009 04:51AM
Dr Malcolm I Hunter, a long-term missionary and specialist in ministry to nomadic peoples has contributed the attached paper, 'All people on earth', under this theme.
Posted By: Kirsteen Kim on Oct 31, 2009 07:03AM
Download papers (in Spanish) from the Latin American Theological Fellowship Regional Consultation for Mexico, Central America, Panama and Caribbean in San José, Costa Rica on 6-7 August 2009 from this site through this link, by kind permission of the...
Posted By: Kirsteen Kim on Oct 27, 2009 11:03AM
The papers of the conference of the European Pentecostal Charismatic Research Association (EPCRA) are available for download, by kind permission, at...
Posted By: Kirsteen Kim on Oct 19, 2009 10:32AM