General Council

The Edinburgh 2010 General Council was established as an international body and met for the first time in September 2006. It has met twice since, once in 2008 and again in April 2009. The General Council represents all the main parts of the worldwide Church family. At the end of the Edinburgh 2010 project the General Council produced an Evaluation.
Members of the Edinburgh 2010 General Council (October 2010)
- Dr. Des van der Water, Council for World Mission*
- Rev. Canon Edgar Ruddock, Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
- Ms. Jet den Hollander, World Alliance of Reformed Churches
- Rev. Roger Schmidt, Lutheran World Federation
- Mrs. Rose Dowsett, World Evangelical Alliance*
- Dr. Cathy Ross, International Association for Mission Studies
- Rev. Blair Carlson, Lausanne Committee for World Evangelisation*
- Ms. Ruth Padilla-De Borst, Latin American Theological Fellowship*
- Rev. Andrew Anderson, Church of Scotland*#
- Dr. Ganoune Diop, Seventh Day Adventist Church
- Dr. Julie Ma, Asian Pentecostal Society*
- Ms. Maria Aranzazu Aguado Arrese, Roman Catholic Church
- Rev. John Kafwanka, Anglican Communion*
- Prof. Petros Vassiliadis, Orthodox Churches
- n/a, Baptist World Alliance
- Rev. Dr. Jooseop Keum, World Council of Churches*
- Prof. Joseph Otubu, African Independent Churches
- Bishop Heinrich Bolleter, World Methodist Council
- Rev. Michael Wallace, World Student Christian Federation*#
- Femi Adeleye, International Fellowship of Evangelical Students
* denotes member of the Executive Committee
# denotes Chairpersons
Former members of the Edinburgh 2010 General Council
- Bill Slack, Baptist World Alliance
- Ms. Nayiri Baljian, World Council of Churches
- Ms. Anastasia Vasileiadou , World Council of Churches