

  • 11.11.09

    Third Online Consultation

    The final Edinburgh 2010 online consultation starts today on Facebook. It focuses on three study themes: Christian Communities in Contemporary Contexts; Mission and Unity - Ecclesiology and Mission; Mission Spirituality and Authentic Discipleship. For more information download the event flyer or join our facebook group.

  • 05.11.09

    Archbishop Sentamu to preach in Edinburgh

    The Archbishop of York, Dr. John Sentamu, is one of the leading spokespersons for the Church of England. He accepted the invitation of the Edinburgh 2010 General Council to conduct the Sunday Worship on 6 June 2010 at the Assembly Hall in Edinburgh. Archbishop Sentamu will be joined by representatives of the Evangelical, Pentecostal, Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches.

  • 28.10.09

    SCOT publishes 2010 leaflet

    As the year 2010 approaches more and more local initatives are added to the international efforts to commemorate the World Missionary Conference. SCOT, the Scottish Coordinating Team, has published a leaflet this Tuesday to promote Edinburgh 2010 among Churches in Britain and Ireland. You, your church or organisation are invited to remember, celebrate and be inspired by God's call to mission. For further information please download the SCOT...

  • 14.10.09

    Second Online Consultation

    The second of three consultations starts today on Facebook. It focuses on three study themes: Mission and Power, Forms of Missionary Engagement and Theological Education and Formation. For more information download the event flyer or join our facebook group.

  • 09.10.09 Brochure available Online

    Christians all over the world are invited to celebrate God's call to mission on 6 June 2010. Set up an event in the Edinburgh 2010 spirit, tell us about it and share the information on our website. brochures in English, Spanish and French are now available as PDF download from our website. More languages are to follow.

  • 01.10.09

    Dana Robert gives Keynote Speech

    Professor Dana L. Robert is one of the leading scholars of mission history and mission theology. She has been invited to open proceedings at the Edinburgh conference with a keynote speech on 3 June 2010 and thus to prepare delegates for an intensive 4-day programme.

  • 29.09.09

    New Team Member appointed

    Adele Ngomedje, a member of the Evangelical Church of Cameroon, will be helping Daryl Balia, International Director, to deal with various tasks including delegate issues. Adele brings to Edinburgh 2010 the experience acquired while working for the organisation of the Conference on World Mission and Evengelism which took place in Athens in 2005. She holds an MA in Interpreting and Translating (United Kingdom) and a degree in Bilingual Studies...

  • 16.09.09

    First Youth Online Consultation

    The first of three consultations starts today on Facebook. It focuses on three study themes: Foundations for Mission, Christian Mission among other Faiths and Mission and Postmodernities. For more information download the event flyer or join our facebook group.

  • 07.08.09

    Call for Papers - Conference on World Christianity

    The Andrew F. Walls Centre for the Study of African and Asian Christianity at Liverpool Hope University is pleased to announce its third annual conference on World Chrisitanity from 11 to 13 June 2010. The organisers invite paper and panel proposals on a specific topic related to the theme of the conference, "Christian Unity in Mission and Service". Full panel and paper proposals are due on or before Friday, 18 December 2009. For further...

  • 06.08.09

    Study Theology in Edinburgh

    The University of Edinburgh School of Divinity is one of the largest single site centres for the study of theology and religious studies in the UK, and one of the host of the Edinburgh 2010 conference. To watch a video on New College follow this link.

Latest Discussion on Study Themes

For more information on the Edinburgh 2010 study themes, please click here.

Rev. Rudolph H. Pasaribu has submitted this perspective on the challenges and opportunities of Christian mission among other faiths from a grassroots perspective in Indonesia.
Posted By: Kirsteen Kim on Apr 08, 2010 10:43AM
"Mission at and from the Margins" was the title of a colloquium held at the Henry Martyn Institute, Hyderabad, india on 23-27 September 2009. An illustrated report of the event is now available to download and is attached here. The event...
Posted By: Kirsteen Kim on Nov 20, 2009 04:51AM
Dr Malcolm I Hunter, a long-term missionary and specialist in ministry to nomadic peoples has contributed the attached paper, 'All people on earth', under this theme.
Posted By: Kirsteen Kim on Oct 31, 2009 07:03AM
Download papers (in Spanish) from the Latin American Theological Fellowship Regional Consultation for Mexico, Central America, Panama and Caribbean in San José, Costa Rica on 6-7 August 2009 from this site through this link, by kind permission of the...
Posted By: Kirsteen Kim on Oct 27, 2009 11:03AM
The papers of the conference of the European Pentecostal Charismatic Research Association (EPCRA) are available for download, by kind permission, at...
Posted By: Kirsteen Kim on Oct 19, 2009 10:32AM