
Related Studies

Documents prepared by the study process (2002-2010) and other contributors. More documents can be found on the study process sections:

[2010] La Conférence missionnaire mondiale Edimbourg 1910


A special issue of the French-language historical journal Histoire & Missions Chrétiennes was dedicated to Edinburgh 1910 in March 2010. The guest editors, Jean-François Zorn, Claire-Lise Lombard et Jacques Matthey, are all active in AFOM, the Francophone Association for Mission Studies. Details are as follows:


"La Conférence missionnaire mondiale Edimbourg 1910" Dossier dirigé par Jean-François Zorn, Claire-Lise Lombard et Jacques Matthey, Histoire & Missions Chrétiennes No. 13, Mars 2010. (Histoire & Missions chrétiennes is published in Paris by Karthala, Paul Coulon being the chief editor.)


To view contents (original French and provisional English translation), click here.


[2010] Edinburgh 1910 Revisited - Give Us Friends!

Papers of the 16th annual Centre for Mission Studies Consultation held at the Union Biblical Seminary, Pune (13-15 January 2010) have been published by the Asian Trading Corporation. More information on the book edited by Frampton F. Fox can be found here. By kind permission of the authors papers of the consultation can be downloaded by clicking on the titles below:

Jacob: Foreword

Aleaz: Witnessing Christ in the Company of Hindus

Cho: Towards a Partner Relationship between WCC and Lausanne

Doss: Postcolonial Perspectives in South India

Haldar: Towards Convergence of Ecumenism and Evangelicalism in Post-Edinburgh-1910 Era

Hrangkhuma: Integrating Mission in Theological Education

Kumar: Mission and Postmodernity, Neocolonialism and Globalization

Marak: Developing Mission Curriculum in Theological Education to Impact the Local Churches for Mission in India Today

Matam: Salvation - Present, Future and its Link to Conversion, Baptism, and Particiption in the Sacramental Life of the Church

Mohol: Edinburgh 1910: Roots and Fruits! A Story of Missionaries who Brought the Gospel to Berar and Founded UBS

Pierard: The Ecumenical Movement and the Missionary Movement: You Can't Have One Without the Other

Ponraj: Christian Mission Among Other Faiths

Ramachandran: Christian Communities in Contemporary Context

Sahayadoss: Prospects and Challenges that Engulf Christian Missions in a Postmodern Context

Schuster: Edinburgh 1910 and Beyond: Mission in Unity. Historical, Theological and Practical Reflections 


[2010] Mission 1910-2010. Edinburgh 1910 challenges today's understanding of mission

The Theological Commission of the Association of Protestant Churches and Missions (EMW) has published a series of articles concerned with mission in the 21st century. Articles are in German and available as free download from the EMW website. For further information click here.

[2010] Edinburgh 1910 and Edinburgh 2010: Different Theological Worldviews

Paper given by Kirsteen Kim, Edinburgh 2010 Study Process Coordinator, at the Henry Martyn Seminar, 27th January 2010 at Westminster College, Cambridge, is now available as PDF download or audio file from the Henry Martyn Centre website.


[2010] Edinburgh to Tambaram

Paper submitted by Professor Joshua Kalapati, Madras Christian College and published in the journal Dharma Deepika in its special January 2010 issue on Edinburgh 2010. Download (Word file) here.


[2009] Melbourne Conference

A wide group of Australian church and mission bodies gathered on 2-3 October 2009 in two locations in Melbourne for celebration and reflection on Christian mission and ecumenism over the last 100 years. For more information on the event, 'Towards 2010: Witnessing to Christ Today', click here. An article on the conference, 'Australia looks towards Edinburgh 2010', was written by Peter Ridell. It first appeared in Evangelicals now, a monthly Christian newspaper published in the Uk and distributed worldwide. The article is available as PDF download with kind permission of the publisher.

Papers presented at the conference include 'From Edinburgh 1910 to Melbourne 2010: Witnessing to Christ Today' by Ross Langmead, and 'Christian Mission among other Faiths' by David Claydon.

[2009] Unreached peoples

Dr. Malcolm Hunter, founder director of the Nomadic Peoples Network explains frankly why he is surprised that 'the challenge of unreached peoples' does not appear to be high on the agenda of Edinburgh 2010 in a statement which is available here (MS Word doc).


[2009] Bangalore Consultation

Edinburgh 2010 Theme 2 'Christian mission among other faiths' was the theme for the conference organised and hosted by the United Theological College, Bangalore on 17-19 July 2009, which was also critical of that theme. The papers presented are now, by kind permission of the authors, available here.


[2009] Lausanne Theology Working Group: The Whole Church

The Theology Working Group of the Lausanne Movement is busy preparing for Lausanne III in Cape Town, South Africa in October 2010. The group is studying each part of the phrase 'The whole Church taking the whole Gospel to the whole world'.

The papers of the consultation on 'The whole Gospel', Chiangmai, Thailand, February 2008 are now published in the Evangelical Review of Theology 33/1 (Jan 2009).

With the permission of Dr. Chris Wright, who coordinates the Group, their reflections on 'The Whole Church' in their meeting in Panama on 26-30 January 2009 are made available by pdf file here.

[2008] From Edinburgh to Achimota

Dr. Nico Botha, Nico of the University of South Africa, and President of the South African Missiological Society (SAMS) has contributed the following article looking a developments in mission thinking 'From Edinburgh to Achimota'. The paper was first published in the journal Studia Historiae Ecclesiaticae in 2008, and it is made available here by kind permission of the editor, Professor Christina Landman.

Download MSWord file here

[2007] Will We Correct the Edinburgh Error?

David Hesselgrave, 2007. The article is attached here and is reprinted with permission from Southwestern Journal of Theology, 49.2 (2007): 121-49 [full version available online at]. Download as a pdf file here.

[2007] A Case of Thorough Preparation: D.S. Cairns, Commission IV and the Missionaries' Returns

A paper by Timothy Yates © 2007. Download pdf file here.

[2006] International Bulletin of Missionary Research  30:4, Oct 2006

In October 2006 a special issue of the International Bulletin of Missionary Research  examined the impact of the Edinburgh Missionary Conference of 1910 and the prospects of celebration and study in 2010. It is available here for download by kind permission of the editor. Articles of particular interest:

Jonathon J. Bonk, Edinburgh 1910: Friendship and the Boundaries of Christendom 
Brian Stanley, Defining the Boundaries of Christendom: The Two Worlds of the World Missionary Conference, 1910
Kenneth R. Ross, The Centenary of Edinburgh 1910: Its Possibilities 

Download pdf file here.

[2002-2007] Towards 2010 project

Between 2002 and 2007, 'Towards 2010' hosted a seminar series reflecting on each of the Commissions of Edinburgh 1910 from contemporary perspectives from around the world. 'Towards 2010' was initiated by Dr Ken Ross, supported by the Church of Scotland and the University of Edinburgh. The record of these events can be found here.