
If you don't have confidence in putting together an event - well, have a go anyway! The information on this site might help you to be as creative as possible.
Use our 2010.global template as a guide
Try to be as creative as possible, when you put together your event. This simple template might help you to build up a celebration according to your own style and culture. We hope to see local expressions of joy, thanksgiving and commitment in mission from all around the world. It will be a great witness of God's love.
Develop a symbol
Can you develop a symbol, sign or shape that expresses something of what God's mission means for you and Christians in your part of the world? It might be based on the shape of a local mountain that reflects God's presence in your history; or the roots and branches of an indigenous tree that speaks of newness and growth; it might be an image from the sea reflecting the movement of God's spirit in your communities - the possibilites are limitless!
It would be great if you could share all event information on our website. Just contact us and we will put it online.
Event Resources
More worship material and inspirations for prayers will be provided in due course.