Key terms for mission and Christian unity in 2010
Cutting-edge concepts for mission and evangelism have been introduced in texts prepared for the Edinburgh 2010 Conference. On Friday 4 June presenters from four continents, focusing on the topic “mission worldwide”, suggested the following phrases for inclusion in the lexicon of mission and unity:
Missionary power – ‘When I look back on modern Pentecostal history, I cannot but acknowledge the criticism against the Pentecostals’ spirit of triumphalism. The growing success in missionary work and exponential spread of the Pentecostal movement may have contributed to this perception. However, the truth is that all missionary work is the work of the Holy Spirit and it has been done only through the grace of God. Thus, one should humble oneself and approach ministries with the spirit of humility.’ – Rev. Dr Young-Hoon Lee, pastor of the Yoido Full Gospel Church in Seoul, South Korea.
Ecumenical charity – ‘“Ecumenical charity” is here defined as care, concern and affection of one church for another, a kind of relationship that is characterized by respect between the churches. These kinds of relations reveal an appreciation for the gifts of other churches involved, and a willingness to share their respective burdens. In the presence of such relations, genuine evangelization and authentic conversion can take place.’ – Dr Antonios Kireopoulos, director for faith & order and interfaith relations, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.
A ‘budding’ ecumenism and a ‘missing’ mission – ‘“Budding Ecumenism” attempts at conveying the content, methodology and spirituality of ecumenical dialogue into the life of children, to the future generations, through mini-conferences, games and quizzes, videos, etc., because by playing together children establish relations among themselves, learn in a spontaneous way, are existentially involved. ...Jesus' words concerning the children (Luke 18:16) remind us that children can be a privileged target even in ecumenical formation and in an evangelization which has the unity of the church at its heart’. – Dr Teresa Francesca Rossi, associate director of Centro Pro Unione, Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas, Rome.
Mission to the North – ‘“Mission from the South” is settling in Europe through a variety of independent missionaries who are founding churches in Europe. It is a great phenomenon... These churches from the South are coming independent of the structures of the churches in the North and establishing churches. They do start with the people from their own countries who are migrants, but they are slowly getting a footing in Europe with not a few European members and interested people. The European official churches have not yet known how to deal with this phenomenon.’ – Rev. Dr Fidon R. Mwombeki, general secretary of the United Evangelical Mission based in Wuppertal, Germany.
The content of many conference presentations may be accessed on the Edinburgh 2010 website.