4. Bible and mission ~ mission in the Bible

The Bible has a very important place in mission: as source of authority and resource for mission, and because the Bible testifies to God's mission in many ways. Two main groups are participating in Edinburgh 2010 by addressing this key topic for any Christian approach to mission: the Francophone Association for Mission Studies (AFOM) and the Forum of Bible Agencies International (FOBA-I). Find details of their activities on this page, and other links.
Biblical mission figures: book project of the Francophone Association for Mission Studies (AFOM)
One of the ways in which AFOM, the Francophone Association for Mission Studies, is contributing to the Edinburgh 2010 study process is by working on the interface of biblical studies and missiology. The group, which is ecumenical and has members in French-speaking countries in different continents, has produced a book about selected mission figures in the Bible. This is published as Association Francophone Oecuménique de Missiologie, Figures bibliques de la mission. Exégèse et théologie de la mission. Sous la direction de Marie-Hélène Robert, Jacques Matthey et Catherine Vialle. Paris: Cerf, 2010, collection Lectio Divina, 260 p.
Download the plans for the book (MS Word files) in English here, and in French here.
A summary of the findings of the group prepared by Rev. Jacques Matthey (in English, Word file) can be obtained here.
Worldwide Scripture Engagement: Forum of Bible Agencies International
'Worldwide Scripture engagement' is the aim of a consultation being held in Malaysia on 4-9 October 2009 by the Forum of Bible Agencies International. FOBA‐I is an alliance of more than 25 leading international Bible Agencies and other missions organisations 'working together to maximize the worldwide access and impact of God’s Word'. Scripture engagement is 'people experiencing God's Word in life-changing ways'. The consultation is looking at examples of such experience and asking how those working to promote Scripture can encourage encounters with God through God's Word. The results of this cooperative mission venture will provide rich material for reflection for those engaged in the Edinburgh 2010 study process.
Details of the event (MS Word file) can be downloaded here.
For more information about Scripture Engagement, see the website here.
Catholic Biblical Federation Survey
In 2007 and 2008, the Catholic Biblical Federation carried out an extensive survey of how the Bible is used. You can see the results at http://www.c-b-f.org/start.php?CONTID=09_06_00&LANG=en.
If you wish to participate by sharing what you or your group is doing, please send information, documents, papers and suggested links to the Edinburgh 2010 Research Coordinator, Dr. Kirsteen Kim, k.kim@leedstrinity.ac.uk.