
2010 in the News

March 2011 - Research Matters (Singapore)

 Research Matters, OMF

The quarterly digest of the OMF Mission Research Department features the Edinburgh 2010 website in its Websites that Matter section, and also Dr Dana Robert who gave the keynote address at the Edinburgh 2010 conference. Read it here.

September 2010 - Hong Kong Christian Council (China)

Event and Reflections
by Damon So

A delegate at the Edinburgh 2010 conference reflects for News and Views published by the Hong Kong Christian Council. Read article here.

26 August 10 - The Christian Century (USA)

Church growth, Korean style
by Philip Jenkins

When the World Mis­sionary Con­ference gathered in Edin­burgh in 1910, it would have taken real optimism to identify Korea as a prospect for major Christian growth. At that point, Christians made up perhaps 1 percent of the Korean people, and the nation was under the heavy-handed occupation of Japanese author­ities, who looked dimly on Western cultural intrusions. [For more information click here]


27 July 10 - Adventist News Network (USA)

Adventist outreach earns church role in world mission conference
by Elizabeth Lechleitner

Seventh-day Adventists were among representatives from more than 100 Christian denominations who met in Edinburgh, Scotland last month to envision the future of world mission. The event marks 100 years since the first Edinburgh World Missionary Conference, considered a watershed in the collaborative shaping of mission. While several Adentists attended the 1910 conference as delegates, church leaders participated for the first time this year, a testament to the denomination's reputation for outreach, says Ganoune Diop, director of the Adventist Church's Global Mission Study Centres. [Read full story]


26 July 10 - The Presbyterian Outlook (USA)

Mission future, mission past: Edinburgh Conference at 100

“Good evangelism” and “bad evangelism” came under discussion when a diverse group of Christians gathered to discuss the 1910 Edinburgh Missionary Conference 100 years later in the capital of Scotland. The Edinburgh conference June 4-6 commemorated the centenary of the 1910 World Missionary Conference, which is seen as marking the beginning of the modern ecumenical movement for church unity. [Read the full story]


2 July 10 - Wall Street Journal (USA)

How Missionaries lost their Chariots of Fire
by Brad Greenberg

The 1910 World Missionary Conference was a watershed moment for Protestantism. Meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland, the assembled 1,200 Protestants believed that Christianity was on the cusp of spreading to every corner of the world, and that Christ would come again once every ear had heard the good news of salvation. Their master plan for missions would hasten his return. [Read the full story]


July 10  - Deutsches Pfarrerblatt (Germany)

Zum Jubiläum der Weltmissionskonferenz in Edinburgh 1910–2010. Mission in Hoffnung und mutiger Demut
by Christine Keim and Ulrike Schmidt-Hesse

Am 6. Juni 2010 fand in Edinburgh die Hundertjahrfeier der Weltmissionskonferenz von 1910 mit Delegierten und Gästen aus aller Welt statt. Christine Keim und Ulrike Schmidt-Hesse berichten von den Feierlichkeiten und nutzen die Gelegenheit, über Mission im aktuellen internationalen Kontext nachzudenken.

Auf den Fotos von der Weltmissionskonferenz in Edinburgh von 1910 ist eine Halle mit mehr als 1.200 Menschen zu sehen, hauptsächlich Weiße und Männer, unter ihnen 200 Frauen und nur etwa 20 Personen, die aus der südlichen oder der östlichen Hemisphäre kamen. Die meisten Teilnehmenden vertraten protestantische Missionsgesellschaften aus Nordamerika und Europa.

To read the full article go to Deutsches Pfarrerblatt. Search for the article in the archive.


28 June 10 - Catholic Chicago Blog (USA)

Mission from everywhere to everywhere
by Carmen Aguinaco

In 1910 the First World Missionary Conference was held in Edinburgh and heralded the beginning of the ecumenical movement worldwide. This year, the World Missionary Conference Edinburgh 2010, marking the Centennial, closed in the same hallowed hall of the University of Edinburgh. Participants might have expected to be greeted by bagpipes and traditional Protestant songs. [Read the full story here]


23 June 10 - Regnum Christi (USA)

A Missionary Church in a Divided World
by Fr. Vineeth Koshy

Legionary Bishop Brian Farrell presents the Catholic view of the mission at an ecumenical World Missionary Conference in Scotland. In 1910, more than 1200 Protestant missionaries gathered in Edinburgh to discuss the state of Christian missionary work, and in so doing came to a greater awareness that the divisions among the Christian faithful are an obstacle to evangelization. [Click here for the full story]


18 June 10 - Indian Orthodox Herald (India)

Edinburgh 2010: Witnessing to Christ Today
by Fr. Vineeth Koshy

In our lives there are some defining moments in which we realize in a very unique way that we are uniting in Christ’s dream of uniting with one another. To be part of the Edinburgh 2010 Centenary Celebrations of World Missionary Conference was such a unique occasion. It was unfortunate that there were no Orthodox participants at Edinburgh 1910; the conference received only a letter from Archbishop (now Saint) Nicolai Katsatkin of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Tokyo. Therefore it’s a great privilege to be the only delegate to represent from Malankara Syrian Orthodox Church and present two papers on Study Theme Eight Parallel Sessions Mission and Unity: Ecclesiology and Mission of Transversals (1) Reconciliation & Healing (2) Youth & Mission. [Click here for the full story]


16 June 10 - Canadian Christianity (Canada)

Edinburgh 2010: The Church from 30,000 feet
by Jim Coggins

CENTENARY celebrations of a historic 1910 conference have offered an opportunity to reflect on the state of the worldwide church. Edinburgh 2010, a conference held June 2-6 in Scotland, brought the global church together on an unprecedented scale. The World Council of Churches, the World Evangelical Alliance, the Roman Catholic Church and various Orthodox churches worked together to organize the event. [To read the full article, click here]


14 June 10  - Christian Today (India)

Interview: 'Indian Church called to be agent of hope post-Edinburgh 2010'
by Dibin Samuel

Rev. Vineeth Koshy of the National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) had attended the centenary celebration of the landmark World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, earlier this month. In an interview with Christian Today, the Youth Secretary shares his reflection on the symbolic 2-6 June mission conference that brought close to 300 delegates from some 60 nations, and ended with a “Common Call” urging Christians on becoming a strong witness to Jesus Christ in the 21st century. [Read the full interview]


14 June 10  - Associated Baptist Press (USA)

Missionaires from Global South to North face hurdles, speaker says
by Bob Allen

While Christianity's center of gravity has shifted southward in the past century from Europe and North America, missionaries from the global South are still not welcome as full partners in global evangelism, an African missionary to Europe told a recent international gathering of Christians. Fidon Mwombeki, general secretary of United Evangelical Mission, talked about challenges faced by South-to-North missionaries at Edinburgh 2010, the centenary celebration of a historic World Missionary Conference held in the city in 1910. [Read the full story]


10 June 10  - Christian Today (Australia)

WEA International Director issues fresh call for authentic Christian mission at Edinburgh 2010

The International Director of the World Evangelical Alliance has told Christians at the Edinburgh 2010 conference in Edinburgh that an authentic Christian mission in the world today must go hand in hand with witness to Jesus Christ.

Dr Geoff Tunnicliffe issued his call in a seven-minute address delivered during the opening celebration of Edinburgh 2010 on June 3, 2010. The conference has brought together more than 300 Christian leaders from across the traditions and denominations to mark the 100th anniversary of the historic World Missionary Conference held in the Scottish capital in 1910. [Click here for the full article]


10 June 10  - Episcopal Life Online (UK)

'Witnessing to Christ Today': Presiding Bishop, Southern Africa Primate address USPG Conference
by Matthew Davies

"Show up, pay attention, tell the truth and leave the results to God." This was the charge that Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori delivered June 9 to some 200 participants attending the USPG-Anglicans in World Mission conference, noting that the Franciscan summary is an "excellent model" for the mission work to which the church is called.

"We have to show up everywhere with an attitude of radical openness," Jefferts Schori said. "Mission means healing and restoring all creation toward the common weal of God … living in justice with dignity, and all people and creation living together in peace." [Read the full story here]


8 June 10  - Ekklesia (UK)

1989 marked turning point for Christianity, global meeting told
by Ecumenical News International

The events of 1989, when people in Eastern Europe took their faith on to the streets and challenged the oppressive regimes, marked a turning point in seeing the Church as a global community of believers, a world mission conference in Edinburgh heard this past weekend. Trevor Grundy reports. "People took their faith into the public square in Eastern Europe and Russia, and the Berlin Wall came down," Dana L. Robert of Boston University in the United States told the 2010 World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh, which commemorates a similar event in the capital of Scotland 100 years ago. Robert referred to a comment ascribed to an East German leader after the 1989 peaceful demonstrations that led to the collapse of communism: "We were prepared for everything but not for candles and prayers." [For the full story, click here]


8 June 10  - Ekklesia (UK)

Christian church workes from global South find 'closed societies' in the North
by Ecumenical News International

Christian mission workers from the global South find it hard to break into the "closed societies" of the North, Tanzanian church leader the Rev Fidon R. Mwombeki told delegates attending the 2010 World Missionary Conference last week - writes Trevor Grundy. When he delivered a paper entitled, "Mission to the North: Opportunities and Challenges", Mwombeki, who is General Secretary of the Wuppertal, Germany-based United Evangelical Mission, spoke about the experience of missionaries from countries such as his own. [Click here for the full article]


8 June 10  - Global Ministries (USA)

World Mission Conference Ends with Call to All Christians to Unite in Mission
by Elliot Wright

Edinburgh, Scotland, June 6, 2010--A broadly ecumenical world mission conference ended with a call to Christians to work together, not against one another, as they engage in God's mission of "love to the whole creation." A nine-point "Common Call" was read aloud during a celebration concluding a June 2-6 event which marked the centennial of a landmark 1910 missionary conference, also held in Edinburgh. But in contrast to 1910, which was entirely Protestant, Edinburgh 2010 included Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and Pentecostal and Independent churches. Many of the latter two groups did not exist a hundred years ago. [Read the full article here]


7 June 10  - Christian Today (UK)

Edinburgh 2010 ends with call to 'do mission'
by Maria Mackay

Around 1,000 Christians from across the denominations and traditions heard the call from the Archbishop of York to “be, see, think and do mission” last night as they came together to for the close of Edinburgh 2010. Christians were gathered for the conference in the Scottish capital for most of last week. The occasion celebrated the 100th anniversary of the historic World Missionary Conference held in Edinburgh in 1910 and the subsequent birth of the world church. [Read the full story here]


7 June 10  - Herald (Scotland)

When did we lose our missionary zeal?
by Ron Ferguson

An Eskimo hunter asked the local missionary priest, “If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?” “No,” said the priest, “not if you didn’t know.” “Then why,” asked the Eskimo, “did you tell me?” The missionary dilemma. Your very zeal can lead to someone else’s damnation. The missionary conference in Edinburgh which ended yesterday has been wrestling with questions about Christian missionary activity around the world. [Click here for the full article]


7 June 10  - Ecumenical Press (USA)

Witness against injustice, says Sentamu at Edinburgh closer
by George H. Mikler

Already being hailed as a historic missionary gathering of its time, the Edinburgh 2010 conference concluded on Sunday with a call to witness against injustice, as delivered by the Archbishop of York John Sentamu. “As leaders in mission, we must help our churches by acting prophetically, speaking out for freedom against injustice,” Sentamu said, speaking to some 1,000 people in the Assembly Hall of the Church of Scotland. “Our forebears have done so in the past against slavery and more recently against apartheid, world debt and poverty. We must continue to speak out against injustice shown to asylum seekers and all in need.” [Click here to read the full story]


6 June 10  - Global Ministries (USA)

World Mission Conference Ends with Call to All Christians to Unite in Mission
by Elliot Wright

A broadly ecumenical world mission conference ended with a call to Christians to work together, not against one another, as they engage in God's mission of "love to the whole creation." A nine-point "Common Call" was read aloud during a celebration concluding a June 2-6 event which marked the centennial of a landmark 1910 missionary conference, also held in Edinburgh. But in contrast to 1910, which was entirely Protestant, Edinburgh 2010 included Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and Pentecostal and Independent churches. Many of the latter two groups did not exist a hundred years ago. [Click here for the full article]


6 June 10  - Anglican Communicion News Service

Anglican Communion delegates believe Edinburgh 2010 will 'carry the worldwide church to a new level'

Anglicans attending the World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh say it is set to be a crucial moment for global Christianity. The Rt Revd Mark McDonald, Canada’s first National Indigenous Bishop, said the conference was giving people a real sense of the trajectory of God’s future for the church. “I expect a Christian identity to emerge out of this conference that will transcend what we’ve been before. This is really about building the relationships that will carry the worldwide church to a new level.” [For the full article, click here]


6 June 10  - Missionline (Italy)

Edinburgh 2010:il documento conclusivo

Dal 2 al 6 giugno si tiene a Edimburgo in Scozia la Conferenza internazionale «Testimoniare Cristo oggi», che celebra il centenario del primo grande convegno ecumenico sulla missione, tenutosi proprio nella capitale scozzese nel 1910. Circa 300 delegati di tutte le confessioni cristiane, provenienti da ogni parte del mondo, provano insieme a mettere a fuoco le sfide per la missione nel XXI secolo. [Read more]


6 June 10  - Evangelischer Pressedienst (Germany)

Christliche Mission ist keine Einbahnstraße

Fidon Mwombeki, Mitglied im Rat der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD), hat auf der Weltmissionskonferenz im schottischen Edinburgh zu mehr Austausch zwischen Christen aus Ländern des Nordens und Südens aufgerufen. Viele Menschen im Norden glaubten, ihr Land sei schon lange kein Missionsfeld mehr, sagte der Generalsekretär der Vereinten Evangelischen Mission am Freitag laut Redetext. Missionare aus dem Süden würden in Europa oder Amerika meist als Bittsteller oder Wirtschaftsflüchtlinge betrachtet. Dabei hätten diese viel Kompetenz, die im Norden dringend gebraucht werde. [Read the full story]


6 June 10  - Ekklesia (UK)

HIV-AIDS is a challenge to the church's witness
by Jane Stranz

“Almost every family in Zambia is affected by HIV,” says Sarah Kaulule. She is a lay preacher in the United Church of Zambia, and I interviewed her at the Edinburgh 2010 conference on world Christianity (2-6 June), where she had come as a delegate. “We say, you are either affected or infected. There is a lot of work to do for the mission of the church,” says Kaulule, who serves as one of the five vice-moderators of the World Council of Churches’ Faith and Order Commission - the body that looks at how the teachings and traditions of the different communions and denominations might talk to one another on the path to unity. [Click here for the full article]


6 June 10  - Evangelischer Pressedienst (Germany)

Christliche Mission will sich interreligiösem Dialog stellen

Die christliche Missionsarbeit will sich stärker dem Dialog mit anderen Religionen wie dem Islam widmen. Christliche Mission müsse sich in pluralistischen Gesellschaften zudem auch mit Menschen ohne Religion achtungsvoll auseinandersetzen, sagte die stellvertretende Generalsekretärin des Evangelischen Missionswerks in Südwestdeutschland (EMS), Ulrike Schmidt-Hesse aus Stuttgart, am Samstag dem epd am Rande der internationalen Missionskonferenz im schottischen Edinburgh. Ein klares christliches Zeugnis und das Engagement für ein friedliches Zusammenleben seien keine Gegensätze. In Deutschland gelte es dabei, "die Sprachfähigkeit des Glaubens zu stärken". [Read the full story]


5 June 10 - Ekklesia (UK)

Indian bishop urges church not to dilute the quest for global justice

The need to keep together the announcing of the Christian message and the struggle for social justice was highlighted by a representative from India speaking at an international church conference in Edinburgh on 3 June. Bishop Geevarghese Mor Coorilos, from India, voiced a “growing concern that the prophetic voice [of the church] has been gradually diminishing in ecumenical circles including the World Council of Churches (WCC)”. Coorilos is the moderator of the WCC's Commission on World Mission and Evangelism. [Read the full article here]


5 June 10 - Scotsman (UK)

Archbishop to close church leader meeting

A service led by Archbishop of York the Most Rev Dr John Sentamu will tomorrow close the Edinburgh 2010 conference, which has brought together more than 300 church leaders from around the world. The five-day event was organised to mark the centenary of the 1910 World Missionary Conference held in the Capital and seen as one of the most important modern Christian gatherings. [Read the full story here]


5 June 10 - Ekklesia (UK)

South Africa, Christianity and the World Cup
by Tinyiko Sam Maluleke

During Edinburgh 2010, you’ve sometimes been wearing a South African football shirt and carrying around a vuvuzela (a traditional South African stadium horn). Can you tell us your motivation behind that?

"I think the awarding of the FIFA World Cup to an African country for the first time is quite historic, because [it] is easily the biggest sporting event in the world. So I wanted to acknowledge and celebrate that, to start with.

Secondly, I wanted to emphasise the affirmation for, and of, Africa in the process. It’s a massive affirmation in a world where Africa has often been suspect and thought of negatively. This is one major morale boost for Africa." [To read the full interview, click here]


5 June 10 - Independent Catholic News (UK)

Pope Benedict sends greetings to Edinburgh 2010

Pope Benedict XVI has sent a formal greeting to delegates, visitors and staff attending the Edinburgh 2010 anniversary event commemorating the World Missionary Conference held at Edinburgh in June 1910.Pope Benedict XVI has sent a formal greeting to delegates, visitors and staff attending the Edinburgh 2010 anniversary event commemorating the World Missionary Conference held at Edinburgh in June 1910. [Read the full message]


5 June 10 - Ekklesia (UK)

Christian mission should reflect 'hope and humility', conference hears

The shape and priority of Christian mission in the 21st century should Show "the love of Jesus Christ for all the world,” Professor Dana L. Robert of Boston University told a Friday press briefing at the Edinburgh 2010 conference on world Christianity. “The mystery of salvation is not ours to know,” she added, yet Christians feel compelled to bear witness to the gospel with an urgency “as inevitable as breathing”. [To read the full story, click here]


4 June 10 - Christian Today (UK)

Mission can succeed in spite of divisions, says theologian
by Maria Mackay

The church and the world may be more plural than ever before, but that should not hold Christians back from proclaiming the love of God revealed through Jesus Christ, says one university professor. Professor Dana Robert, of Boston University School of Theology, told some 300 Christian leaders at the Edinburgh 2010 conference that the greater plurality of the world church today made united witness “urgent for the integrity of the gospel message”. [Click here for the full story]


3 June 10 - The Christian Post (USA)

Evangelicals, Ecumenicals Mark 'New Beginning for Common Mission'
by Maria Mackay

Leaders of the ecumenical and evangelical movements stood side by side at the opening of the historic Edinburgh 2010 conference Thursday and reaffirmed their commitment to witnessing to Christ as one. Addressing some 300 leaders from across the Christian denominations and traditions, the international director of the World Evangelical Alliance, Dr. Geoff Tunnicliffe, said it would be “foolish” to think that all the issues that have traditionally divided the different streams of the church would be resolved during the four-day conference. [Read the full article here]


3 June 10 - CathNews (India)

Asia looms large at UK missionary meeting

Delegates from Asia are prominent at a major missionary conference that got down to work June 2 in the Scottish city of Edinburgh. There are 29 delegates from the continent among about 300 from more than 60 countries and 50 Christian denominations. Ten are from Korea and others from China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. [Click here to read more]


3 June 10 - Episcopal Life Online (UK)

Anglicans express hopes for Global Christianity as missionary conference opens in Edinburgh

Anglicans attending the World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh say that the June 2-6 gathering promises to be a pivotal moment for the global Christian community in discerning its future and exploring how different denominations can work together in partnership."I expect we will begin to see a Christian identity emerge out of this conference that will transcend what we've been before ... This is really building the relationships that will carry the worldwide church to a new level," said the Rt. Rev. Mark MacDonald, national indigenous bishop for the Anglican Church of Canada and one of nine official Anglican delegates attending the gathering. [To read the full story, click here]


3 June 10 - Ekklesia (UK)

Churches urged not to allow divisions to weaken global vision

Christians "must not allow difficult theological, socio-cultural and political issues, or disagreements over theologies of religion, to discourage us from sharing God’s love" keynote speaker Professor Dana L. Robert told delegates at the Edinburgh 2010 conference on 3 June 2010. Professor Robert is co-director of the centre for global Christianity and mission at Boston University School of Theology in the USA. She addressed nearly 300 delegates and 100 other participants on the topic “Mission and Unity in the ‘Long View’ from 1910 to the 21st Century”. [Click here to read the full story]


3 June 10 - Ekklesia (UK)

Edinburgh 2010 gathering opens with hope and reflection

Christian songs and hymns from around the globe mingled with the native skirl of bagpipes at welcoming ceremonies for Edinburgh 2010, a five-day conference marking the 100th anniversary of the World Missionary Conference of 1910. By the start of the conference on 2 June 2010, 297 registered delegates from 60 nations were joined by more than 100 additional visitors and staff on the Pollock Halls campus of Edinburgh University. John Bell, a leading musician from the Iona Community and editor of the Church of Scotland’s hymnal, provided continuity to sequences of greeting, reflection, Bible readings and prayer. He also introduced a diversity of musical styles from church communities in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas. [Click here to read the full story]


3 June 10 - Christian Today (UK)

Edinburgh 2010 marks 'new beginning for common mission'
by Maria Mackay

Leaders of the ecumenical and evangelical movements have reaffirmed their commitment to witnessing to Christ at the start of Edinburgh 2010. Edinburgh 2010 is taking place this week to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the World Missionary Conference held in the Scottish capital in 1910. Addressing some 300 leaders from across the Christian denominations and traditions, the international director of the World Evangelical Alliance, Dr Geoff Tunnicliffe, said it would be “foolish” to think that all the issues that have traditionally divided the different streams of the church would be resolved during the four-day conference. [Click here for the full story]


3 June 10 - Vatican Radio (The Vatican)

Ecumenism and Mission Conference Opens in Scotland
by Philippa Hitchen

Scottish cardinal Keith Patrick O'Brian welcomed hundreds of church leaders, religious and lay missionaries from all five continents in Edinburgh yesterday at the opening of a five day conference focused on the thmes of ecumenism and mission. The meeting entitled 'Witnessing to Christ Today' will wind up on Sunday with prayer and dedication service in the very same venue where a similar gathering was held exactly a century ago. [To listen to the report click here]


2 June 10 - Christian Today (India)

Bishop VS Azariah's appeal for 'friends' still relevant
by John Malhotra

The landmark 1910 World Missionary Conference caught the imagination of the churches in both West and East.

Most of the 1,200 Protestant representatives were from North America and Northern Europe. However, 17 of them were from 'Global South' and that included Bishop VS Azariah from India.

Notably, one of the best-remembered speeches of the entire 1910 Conference at Edinburgh was that of Bishop Azariah who appealed for “friends”. As a delegate of that historic Conference, Bishop Azariah spoke on the theme 'Native Church and Foreign Mission'. [To read the full article, click here]


2 June 10 - Christian Today (India)

'Edinburgh 1910 Conference kicked off modern ecumenical movement'
by Dibin Samuel

The 1910 World Missionary Conference was a starting point of the modern ecumenical movement, says an Indian leader who will be part of the centenary celebrations at Edinburgh, UK.

"Today many ‘movements’ have become ‘monuments’, however the 1910 Conference made remarkable progress quantitatively and qualitatively, extensively and intensively," said Rev. Vineeth Koshy, Secretary of Commission on Youth of the National Council of Churches in India (NCCI). [To read the full article, click here]


2 June 10 - Christian Today (UK)

Edinburgh 2010 - 'A sign of unity we want'

Christians may not have achieved full unity yet, nor their goal of taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth, but they are heading in the right direction, believes the Rev Andrew Anderson. The Rev Andrew Anderson is the minister of a Church of Scotland church in Edinburgh and a member of the Executive Committee of Edinburgh 2010, the four-day gathering of 300 Christians taking place in the Scottish capital this week to mark 100 years since the historic World Missionary Conference. [To read the full article, click here]


1 June 10 - Christian Post (USA)

Edinburgh 2010 seeks to guide 21st century Christian mission
by Michelle A. Vu

The Edinburgh 2010 conference will open on Wednesday with the aim of providing direction for Christian mission in the 21st century. Hundreds of leaders from around the world will gather in Edinburgh, Scotland, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the first-ever global mission conference, Edinburgh 1910. From June 2 to 6, mission experts will convene to discuss nine major themes, including Christian mission among other faiths, mission and post-modernities, and Christian communities in contemporary contexts. [To read the full article click here]


1 June 10 - The Scotsman (Scotland)

Christianity very much alive and kicking
by Donald Smith

Michael Fry’s column (Opinion, 29 May) shows historical breadth in picking up on the centenary of the 1910 World Missionary Conference. However, his analysis of its significance is woolly. The key fact is that, since 1910, Christianity has become a worldwide religion. Secondly, the dynamic centers of that religion have moved from Europe to Asia, Africa and South America. [To read the full article, click here]


1 June 10 - Vatican Radio (The Vatican)

Missionary Conference to Open in Edinburgh

“Witnessing to Christ today” is the theme of a major missionary conference taking place from June 2nd to 6th in Edinburgh, Scotland. Hundreds of delegates from all the main Christian denominations will discuss ways of working more effectively together in spreading the Gospel message “to the ends of the earth” as the first disciples were instructed to do by Jesus himself. The conference will conclude with a celebration in the same venue where the first World Missionary conference took place exactly a hundred years ago – a founding moment for the modern ecumenical movement. Bishop Brian Farrell, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity, is heading the Catholic delegation to the conference.

To hear an interview with Bishop Brian Farrell, click here.


31 May 10 - Christian Today (India)

Mission leaders to mark historic World Missionary Conference

History will repeat itself this week as mission leaders from across the globe including India will convene at Edinburgh, UK to celebrate the centenary of the World Missionary Conference and cogitate on reinforcing Christian mission in the 21st century.

To read the full article, please click here.


30 May 10 - BBC Radio Scotland (UK)

Sally on Sunday

Dana Robert, keynote speaker at the E2010 Conference and Professor for World Christianity and History of Mission at Boston University, and Ken Ross, delegate of the E2010 Conference and Scottish parish minister, are speaking about the significance of the 1910 World Missionary Conference, and the upcoming Centenary.

To hear the show, click here.


30 May 10 - Adventist News Agency (USA)

Adventists to participate in Edinburgh World Missionary Conference

Seventh-day Adventists will contribute to an historic mission conference in Edinburgh, Scotland, June 2 to 6. The Edinburgh event marks 100 years since the last Edinburgh World Missionary Conference when 1,355 Christian delegates, including 208 women, representing western Mission societies of numerous faiths and countries gathered to discuss the future of mission. One hundred years later, the 1910 conference is recognized as a significant event in modern mission.

To read the full article go to APD.


29 May 10 - Ekklesia (UK)

Edinburgh conference will highlight huge turnaround in mission

There was only one black African and 19 Asians among more than 1000 delegates present 100 years ago at the historic World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh - writes Trevor Grundy. The demographics of those present in early June for an event to mark the centenary of that conference, will, however, reflect more of where the centre of Christian gravity is heading in the 21st century.

To read the full article go to Ekklesia.


May 10 - Lausanne World Pulse (USA)

Connecting Local and Global Church: A Preview to Edinburgh 2010
by Kirsteen Kim

On 6 June 2010, there will be a gathering in the Assembly Hall in Edinburgh to remember the famous World Missionary Conference which took place one hundred years ago. It will also be a celebration of the fact that, partly as a result of the efforts of the missionaries of 1910, we recognize today that the Church is global.

To read the full article, go to Lausanne World Pulse.


27 May 10 - Ecumenical News International (Switzerland)

Church mission to be viewed through different prism 100 years on
by Trevor Grundy

There was only one black African and 19 Asians among more than 1000 delegates present 100 years ago at the historic World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh.

The demographics of those present in early June for an event to mark the centenary of that conference, will, however, reflect more of where the centre of Christian gravity is heading in the 21st century.

There will be fewer delegates, however, when more than 300 people representing 30 traditions from 60 countries gather in the Scottish capital on 2 June at the start of the five-day 2010 World Missionary Conference.

To read the full article, please visit the ENI website.


17 May 10 - Edimburgo 2010 e sua influência na América Latina (Portugese)

Edinburgh 2010 and its Influence on Latin America

A realidade latino-americana apresenta múltiplos desafios e oportunidades para as igrejas protestantes, que tentam fielmente desempenhar a sua missão transformadora e a tarefa de evangelização no meio do povo.

Têm crescido cada vez mais os problemas sociais, políticos e econômicos decorrentes da globalização neoliberal, entre outros fatores. Só para citar alguns: migrações (tanto internamente como para o exterior), a pobreza, que tem aumentado nos últimos dois anos (36,5% da população); a injusta distribuição da riqueza; o tráfico de drogas, o tráfico de seres humanos; a insegurança na região e o aumento das bases militares dos Estados Unidos, a exploração dos recursos naturais por empresas estrangeiras, com alto custo humano e ecológico; a mudança climática e os desastres naturais, a violência doméstica, entre outros.

Para ler o artigo na íntegra clique aqui.


12 May 10 - Tokyo 2010 (Japan)

Japan Times marks E2010 and Tokyo2010

From June 14 to 23, 1910, some 1,200 representatives of 176 Christian missionary societies and church mission boards gathered in Edinburgh, Scotland, to attend the World Missionary Conference. This conference spearheaded the modern ecumenical movement to promote cooperation and unity among different Christian groups — Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox churches.

To read the full article please visit the Japan Times Website.


10 May 10 - Week of prayer for Christian Unity (in Polish)

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Można mówić o istniejącej niegdyś rywalizacji między misjonarzami, wysyłanymi z różnych Kościołów, ale to właśnie oni byli pierwszymi, którzy zrozumieli, jaką tragedią jest podział w chrześcijaństwie.



07 May 10 - Episcopal Church (USA)

Young Episcopalian chosen as winner of Edinburgh 2010 youth writing contest

Andy Thompson, an Episcopalian from New Haven, Connecticut, and former Young Adult Service Corps volunteer, has been selected as the winner of the youth writing contest for Edinburgh 2010, a major ecumenical mission conference set for June 2-6 in the Scottish capital. His prize -- a sponsored trip to the conference.

To read the full article please visit episcopal life online.


06 May 2010 - Missionaries of Africa (in English and in French)

World Churches to mark Century of Ecumenism

Churches around the world are gearing up to mark the centennial of a landmark mission event considered to be the birth of ecumenism.

The World Mission Conference that took place in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1910 brought together some 1,200 representatives mainly linked to the Western missionary movement. In addition to its focus on evangelism, the historic gathering emphasized cooperation and unity.

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May 10 - Evangelical Alliance Scotland (UK)

Evangelical Alliance Scotland dedicates newsletter to E2010

The newsletter contains interviews with Kirsteen Kim and Stephen Smyth, both E2010 staff, amongst other articles on the conference.

To read the newsletter visit 2getherscotland.


30. April 10 - Scottish Catholic Observer - E2010 Countdown Underway (UK)

Countdown to Edinburgh 2010 conference is underway

'Witnessing to Christ today' is the theme of the Edinburgh 2010 COnference, which will see a broad partnership of Scottish churches welcoming 300 delegates from over 60 countries to Scotland's capital city in June.

The Edinburgh 2010 Conference, which begins on June2, is the culmination of an international and multi-denominational study process inspired by the transformational 1910 World MIssionary Conference, also held in Edinburgh.

To order a copy of the full article please visit


08. April 10 - The Iona Community

Edinburgh 1910 and 2010 by Murdoch Mackenzie

As an ecumenical Community, the Iona Community owea part of our inheritance to the Ecumenical Movement. It had its origins in the World Missionary Conference held in Edinburgh in 1910. The conference was a serious attempt at a systematic and business-like analysis of what Protestant missions had already achieved and of what remained to be done. It followed on from the suggestion of William Carey for such a conference in Cape Town in 1810. Alexander Duff, who held the first Chair of Mission Studies in the English-speaking world, promoted the idea during his celebrated lecture tour of the USA in 1854. Conferences were held in Liverpool in 1860, in London in 1878 and 1888 and in New York in 1900.

To read the full article please visit


April 10 - United Methodist Women

Mutuality as a Call, Covenant and Clothesline By Glory E. Dharmaraj

As church leaders convene in a centennial mission gathering this summer, mission grows at the margins of society.

I am fascinated by clotheslines. Wet clothes hanging from them flap in the gentle breeze or slightly stronger winds sprinkle water drops on bystanders, inviting them into the circle of the water-washed and wind-blessed community.

Every year in early summer, my husband and I make sure the two poles in our backyard are strong enough to hold the clothesline when we put our wet clothes out for drying or airing in the summer sun. Though tight at the ends, the clothesline often sags in the middle due to the weight of the rugs, bed covers, clothes and kitchen stuff. It a is reminder of what mutuality is all about.

In the Global South where I come from, clotheslines provide space to talk with neighbors as they, too, put out their washed wet clothes, fold them when dry and take them inside their homes.

To read the full article please visit the United Methodist Women's website.


23. March 10 - Global Ministries, United Methodist Church (USA)

Centennial of Ecumenical Conference Puts Spotlight on Christian Mission by Elliott Wright

New York, NY, March 23, 2010--A hundred years ago this coming June, a Protestant ecumenical conference in Scotland provided major incentive for Christian mission in the 20th century. The centennial of that event is putting a spotlight on mission today and into the future. The theme is "Witnessing to Christ Today."

To read the full article please visit


7. March 10 - Bayerischer Rundfunk (Germany)

100 Jahre Ökumenische Bewegung: Geschichte und Geschichten zur Ökumene

Die Ökumene ist ein Kind aus Schottland. In Edinburgh fand vor 100 Jahren die erste Weltmissionskonferenz statt, der erste Versuch von Kirchen nach Jahrhunderten, Jahrtausenden von Trennung, Spaltung und Feindschaft wieder etwas zusammen zu machen, in diesem Fall christliche Mission. [Listen to radio feature in German]


01. March 10 -

Article on Faith, E20010 and the G8 Summit in Winnipeg

London, Moscow, Munich, Tokyo, Rome...and now Winnipeg (sort of). Each year the much-ballyhooed G8 Summit brings together the world's major advanced economies," Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States. A lesser-known fact is that since 2005, groups of religious leaders have also been coming together to send a moral message to these most powerful citizens of the world.

To read the full article please visit

March 10 - Sage Online Journal

 Edinburgh 2010: Witnessing to Christ in Humility and Hope by Daryl M Balia

The Edinburgh 2010 project serves as a platform to engage all churches in the centenary celebrations of the World Missionary Conference and rethink their commitment to mission as a consequence. It is inevitable that comparisons will arise but, lest mistakes repeat themselves, it is worth recognising how the missionary era has dramatically changed so that our sense of nostalgia is tempered with a dosage of realism about the present, especially when diversity and decline are often present. Hope for a better future is possible if we better understand what it is that we wish to remember about the past and what exactly we welcome about the present.

To read the full article please visit sage journals online's website.


March 10 - The Expository Times

The World Missionary Conference, Edinburgh 1910: Sifting History from Myth by Brian Stanley

The World Missionary Conference, held in Edinburgh in June 1910, will be widely celebrated this year as a milestone in both ecumenical and missionary history. This article seeks to delineate more precisely in what respects the conference did mark a new departure. Whilst some of the claims made for its significance are inaccurate, it remains the case that participants in the event returned home captivated by a more expansive vision than was allowed for in the conference’s original terms of reference.

To read the full article please visit the expository times website.


19. February 10 - Scottish Catholic Observer - Mission now is to move forward

Interview with Sr Elizabeth Moran, the Roman Catholic representative on SCoT

Sr Elizabeth reminds us that as a country Scotland has 'always been very concerned with the missions'. She feels strongly that much can be gained from the churches together taking a reflective look back.

"Most of us from childhood have some connection with the missions', she said. "We hear the stories when we meet the representatives in our local churches. Perhaps we join a society or we contribute some of our own resources to mission."

To order a copy of the full article please visit


07. February 10 - Fanatic for Jesus blogspot

Roots of WCC, the Modern Missionary Movement, and the Link to Freemasonry

The 1910 World Missionary Conference, also known as the Edinburgh Missionary Conference, was held June 14 to 23, 1910. It has been seen as both the culmination of 19th century Protestant Christian missions and the formal beginning of the modern Christian ecumenical movement.

Chairing the proceedings of the conference was American John R. Mott, who was a long-serving leader of the interdenominational YMCA and the World Student Christian Federation (WSCF).  

To read the full articlu please visit


03. February 10 - Edinburgh 2010 Conference in June (India)

Preparations have started for the celebration of the centennial of the Edinburgh conference. From 2-6 June 2010, a commonly owned celebration and conference will take place in Edinburgh. WCC Commission on World Mission and Evangelism decided to be fully involved in this common experience of “wider ecumenism”.

In 1910, Edinburgh was the venue for the historic World Mission Conference. This was a gathering which caught an epoch-making vision of the church as a truly global missionary community...

To read the full article please visit


February 10 - Vidimus Dominum

The Edinburgh Missionary Conferences 1910-2010

Edinburgh 1910
The seeds of unity and peace can take a very long time to sprout and grow. It is easy to lose confidence in the power of growth. Maybe the emerging shoots are in a place we did not expect, or they are not familiar to us, so we do not really see them. However, that is not the case this time. The growth is there, clearly visible, to be gathered up and put to use. One part of that growth is the ever-clearer sense that mission and unity are intimately connected. It does seem obvious that those who set out to carry a message of reconciliation from God for all of humanity need first to experience reconciliation themselves, and yet the history of Christian mission has included a great deal of conflict and struggle. In June 1910 in Edinburgh there was a remarkable Conference of 1200 church and mission leaders who met to pray and think together about the world-wide mission of Christian communities. Many of them had experience of living as missionaries in another land. Most of them were English-speaking men coming from the Protestant Churches of the West, though there were also representatives from other areas of the world. Their gathering around the themes of mission, with its prayerful process of study and reflection, is still recognised today as one of the most important occasions in the growth of the modern ecumenical movement.

To read the full article please visit the vidimus dominum website.


25. January 10 - Vatican Radio (Italy)

Pope Ends Week of Prayer for Christian Unity with Call for New Evangelisation

Pope Benedict XVI presided over vesper this evening marking the Feast of the Conversion of St Paul in the ancient papal basilica of St Paul's Outside-the-walls. [...] Looking forward to the centenary celebrations of the Edinburgh Conference in June in Scotland, The Pope concluded by calling for 'a new, intense work of evangelization, not only among people who have never known the Gospel, but also among people for whom Christianity is part of their history.' [Read the full article and listen to the voice of the Pope]


25. January 10 - Vatican Radio (Italy)

Pope Praises Pioneers of Edinburgh Conference

At his general Audience this week and again at his Sunday Angelus, Pope Benedict spoke of the one hundredth anniversary of the Missionary Conference of Edinburgh in Scotland, which is seen by many as a defining event for the birth of the modern ecumenical movement. An interview with Mitchell Bunting is available here.


20. January 10 - Pope Benedict XVI talks of Ecumenism and Edinburgh 1910 (Vatican)

"Today’s Audience takes place during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, when the Lord’s followers are asked to reflect on the tragedy of their divisions and to pray with him “that they may all be one ... that the world may believe” (cf. Jn 17:21). The theme chosen for this year – “You are witnesses of these things” (Lk 24:48) – brings out this close bond between Christian unity and evangelization. This was a major concern of the Edinburgh Conference, which marked the beginning of the modern ecumenical movement one hundred years ago" (Pope's Weekly Address, 20/01/10)

To read the full article please visit the vatican radio website.


20. January 10 - Episcopal Life Online (USA)

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity celebrates beginnings of modern ecumenical movement

 The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity includes a Scottish flavor this year as Christians around the world remember the 100th anniversary of the 1910 World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh that is widely regarded as a major milestone in the modern ecumenical movement.

Each year, an ecumenical group in a different part of the world prepares the materials for the annual prayer week, which runs Jan. 18-15. For the 2010 Week of Prayer, a Scottish ecumenical group, brought together by Action of Churches Together in Scotland (ACTS), helped to develop the resources.

To read the full article please visit episcopal life online.


20. January 10 - Insights from the Uniting Church (Australia)

Missionary leaders to gather for Tokyo evangelism meeting

Pentecostal and other Christian leaders from around the world are due to hold a four-day global mission consultation in Tokyo in May 2010 to mark the centenary of a landmark World Missionary Conference that took place in Edinburgh, Scotland.

"This is a preparation for a great revival," said the Rev. Minoru Okuyama, a Japanese Pentecostal mission expert, who chairs the event's Japan host committee, in a statement on the meeting's Japanese-language website. "The great revival will surely come to all the Japanese, and I believe that the churches in Japan will surely be able to contribute to the achievement of the world mission."

To read the full article please visit the Uniting Church insights website.


19. January 10 - The Christian Post (USA)

Week of Prayer Focuses on Missionary Calling
by Dennis May

Believers in the northern hemisphere will be spending eight days of prayer and reflection starting on Monday to meditate on the missionary calling Jesus has for his disciples as a part of the 2010 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. [...] The 2010 theme, chosen in Scotland during preparations for the anniversary of the 1910 World Mission Conference, is taken from Luke's account of Christ's final words before his ascension: 'You are witnesses of these things'. [Read the full article]


18. Jan 10 - Insights from the Uniting Church (Australia)

Christians pray for unity, remember 'unexpected' insights of pioneers

Christians around the world are remembering the 1910 World Missionary Conference in the Scottish capital of Edinburgh as a key initiative that led to the ecumenical movement seeking the unity of the Church.

"The unexpected intuition to flash forth from the conference was the awareness that Christian disunity is destructive to the very mission of the Church, and the corresponding search for Christian unity began," said the Rev. John Gibaut, director of the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches.

Read the full article at


16. January 10 - (USA)

A century on the path to unity by Robert Loesch

The start of the second decade of the 21st century marks the 100th anniversary of the worldwide ecumenical movement, which most church historians agree began in 1910 with the World Missionary Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland.

My first experiences of Christian unity began in high school and continued in college and seminary ecumenical groups in the 1960s. I have always sought to avoid proselytizing others and to respect and understand their personal views.

I accept the fact that religions have caused discord. But the best practices of all religions can foster a better community. This requires a commitment to learn from each other.

Part of the solution is learning. The more individuals positively experience different religious traditions, the more they will learn about how to live together with deeper understanding and caring.

To read the full article please visit


15. Jan 10 - Missionaries in Mwandi, Zambia

Ida and Keith Blog about E2010 and the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

This year’s theme was chosen in Scotland, in honour of the hundredth anniversary of the 1910 Edinburgh World Mission Conference. It is in answer to that conference’s theme "Witnessing to Christ today” that the above verse was chosen. Edinburgh 1910 really marked the start of the modern ecumenical movement.

The United Church of Zambia, like many of the other United and Uniting Churches worldwide, stems directly from this watershed conference. The London Missionary Society, the Church of Scotland Mission, the Union Church of the Copperbelt and the Copperbelt Free Churches came together in 1965 as the UCZ making their unity in Christ more visible.

To read the full article visit Ida and Keith's blog.


05. January 10 - Journal of Christian Education (India)

Quo Vadis - Ecumenism? by Dr. Mani Jacob

Is ecumenical unity making steady progress or is it getting retarded? This is a difficult question to answer. But one can safely assert that, it is vociferously articulated on platform, albeit consigned to a frigid shelf frequently in practical situations of mission and witness. The birth of the year 2010 provides a fertile setting for the promotion of ecumenism since the new year marks the 100th anniversary of the World Missionary Conference held at Edinburgh in 1910...

To find out more about AIACHE please visit

To read the full article please email Dr Mani Jacob to request a copy.


5. January 10 - New World Outlook (USA)

The World Missionary Conference at Edinburgh, 1910
by Christie R. House and Helen Sheperd

This year, the Protestant Christian church marks the 100th anniversary of an extraordinary conference that took place in Edinburgh, Scotland, from June 14 to 23, 1910. 'The World Missionary Conference to Consider Missionary Problems in Relation to the Non-Christian World,' its full title, was quickly and thankfully shortened to 'The World Missionary Conference.' It was held in the Assembly Hall of the Church of Scotland (the 1900 union of the United Free Church and the United Presbyterian Church). [Read the full article]


Jan 10 - The Edge Scottish Episcopal Magazine (UK)

EDINBURGH 1910 - Robin Boyd looks at the history of this famous event

By any reckoning, “Edinburgh1910” was a great event in the history of the Church. Although the Roman Catholic Church – sadly – was not there, it brought together representatives of the widest spectrum of Christian traditions ever seen, including a number of Orthodox churches, as well as all the major churches stemming from the Reformation. It came at the peak of 20 years of effective missionary recruitment through the Student Christian Movement (SCM), and also at the peak of European colonial expansion. It was not a conference about Christian unity: it was all about mission to the so-called non-Christian world, and the organizers rightly believed that mission had more prospect of success if it made churches work together rather than separately. Earlier international missionary conferences had been held in 1888 and 1900, but Edinburgh was the biggest, and – through the participation of leading figures from the churches – the most effective.

To read the full article please visit the edge website.


Jan 10 - Conseil œcuménique des Eglises

Semaine de prière pour l'unité des chrétiens

Durant la Semaine de prière pour l'unité des chrétiens 2010, les fidèles du monde entier écouteront ensemble la promesse et le commandement donnés par le Christ dans ses derniers mots avant son ascension: "C'est vous qui en êtes les témoins."

Célébrée traditionnellement du 18 au 25 janvier (dans l'hémisphère nord) ou à la Pentecôte (dans l'hémisphère sud), la Semaine de prière s'intègre dans la vie des paroisses du monde entier: on procède à des échanges de chaires et on organise des cultes oecuméniques spéciaux.   

Le thème pour 2010 a été choisi en Ecosse, où les Eglises préparaient les célébrations pour l'anniversaire de la Conférence mondiale des missions de 1910 - qui a marqué le commencement du mouvement œcuménique moderne - sur le thème "Témoigner du Christ aujourd'hui".

S'il vous plaît lire l'article complet.


Jan 10 - Edinburgh 2010 (UK)

Church of Scotland Interview with Andrew Anderson

"...(1910) I think, marked the end of the expansion of the western church and the beginnings od the growth of the indigenous churches all over the world." (Andrew Anderson, E2010 General Council Chairperson)

To read the full article you can purchase the January 2010 edition of Life and work by visiting


11. December 09 - Luthersk Kirketidende (Norway)

Fra Edinburgh 1910 til Edinburgh 2010
by Knud Jørgensen

'One of the most creative events in the history of the Christian church.' Det ble i 1910 holdt en misjonskonferanse i Edinburgh, som satte dype spor i misjon og kirkeliv i det 20. århundre. Konferansen som samlet 1200 misjonsledere, løftet fram temaet 'Verdens evangelisering i dette slektsledd'. [Read the full article]


8. December 09 - Oneworld (Netherlands)

Gebundelde inspanning van christen in Afrika
by Louis Peeters

In juni 2010 is het honderd jaar geleden dat in Edinburgh The World Missionary Conference (WMC) werd gehouden. Thans worden er plannen uitgewerkt om dat feit met de missionaire bewegingen van alle christelijke kerken groots te gedenken en nieuwe impulsen te geven.... [Read the full article]

7. December 09 - Edinburgh Evening News (UK)

World church leaders head for the Capital

Hundreds of senior religious leaders from across the world are to meet in Edinburgh next year to commemorate the 1910 World Missionary Conference. The five-day, multi-denominational summit will take place between 2 and 6 June at the Church of Scotland Assembly Hall on the Mound and Pollock Halls on Holyrood Park Road.... [Read the full article]

4. December 09 - Christian Today (UK)

Edinburgh 2010 can achieve 'lasting good', says organiser
by Jenna Lyle

The chief organiser of a historic mission conference in Edinburgh next year is optimistic the gathering will achieve 'lasting good' for world Christianity. Edinburgh 2010 will bring together 250 mission leaders from across the globe when it takes place in the Scottish capital next June. Another 900 local and international visitors will join in a time of worship on the last day.... [Read the full article]

2. December 09 - Christian Today (UK)

Ecumenical youth meet in Kolkatta to commemorate Edinburgh 1910

Hundreds of youth from different Christian denominations and religious traditions will converge next year in Kolkatta for a 'National Ecumenical Assembly (NEYA)'.... [Read the full article]

20. November 09 - World Faith News (USA)

WARC pilot mission project gets Results

Pastors and lay leaders from three continents meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina last week shared stories of how they interpret mission in their context today.... [Read more]

9. September 09 - Nederlands Dagblad (Netherlands)

Van telegraafkabel naar internetverbinding
by Reina Wiskerke

Westerse kerken maken de dienst niet meer uit in de wereldzending. Daar moeten ze nog mee leren omgaan, zegt missioloog Kenneth Ross. Hij is betrokken bij de voorbereidingen van een zendingscongres in 2010 in het Schotse Edinburgh, honderd jaar na de grote wereldzendingsconferentie in dezelfde stad... [Read more]

10. July 09 - Presbyterian News Service (USA)

‘Dialogue between theology and literature is urgent,’ says Puerto Rican theologian Luis Rivera Pagán
by José Aurelio Paz and Jerry L. Van Marter

Matanzas, Cuba, and Louisville - “The modern Latin American literary production has such evident tangencies and religious resonances, that my perplexity is awakened by the lack of attention on the part of the theological community,” Puerto Rican theologian Luis Rivera Pagán told a recent gathering here of church leaders from throughout Latin America... [Read the full story]


10. July 09 - The Christian Post (USA)

Tokyo 2010 to Model After First Global Missions Conference
by Michelle A. Vu

... Because of the global significance of Edinburgh 2010 to the overall Christian community, a total of four key conferences is planned next year to commemorate the meeting’s 100th anniversary. They include the Global Mission Consultation and Celebration in Tokyo on May 11-15; the Edinburgh 2010 on June 2-6; the Lausanne 2010 in Cape Town, South Africa; and a conference for divinity schools and universities in Boston on Nov. 4-7... [Read the full article]


June 09 - Mission Round Table

Mission round Table Magazine and E2010

In  the June 2009 Mission Round Table, the occassional bulletin of OMF Mission Research there was an ad for E2010 and the study themes involved.

For more info on Round Table, OMF and their missionary opportunities please visit the mission round table website.


14. May 09 - WCC news (Switzerland)

World churches to mark 100 years of landmark mission event
by Juan Michel

As the centennial of a landmark mission event approaches in 2010, a global study process is mobilizing churches, theological institutions and mission bodies around the world. The World Mission Conference that took place in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1910 brought together some 1,200 representatives mainly linked to the Western missionary movement. In addition to its focus on evangelism, the historic gathering emphasized cooperation and unity... [Read the full story]


4. May 09 - Christian Today (UK)

Theologians prepare for Edinburgh 2010
by Jenna Lyle

Bible scholars, mission theologians and mission leaders from around the world gathered in Bossey, Switzerland, over the weekend to draft a paper on mission ahead of Edinburgh 2010... [Read the full story] 


May 09 - The Birth of Roman Catholic Ecumenism

Roman Catholic Input to Edinburgh 1910

" far-sighted Catholic priest, Bishop Geremias Bonomelli (1831-1914) of Cremona took a personal initiative to send the World Missionary Conference a strong message of support. This intervention, although not sanctioned by higher authority, marks the tentative beginning of the Catholic Church’s eventual involvement in the Ecumenical Movement. " (taken from an article by MICHAELT R B TURNBULL for the Open House publication).

To read the whole article please download the pdf here.

May 09 - Forum Mission (Switzerland)

Edinburgh 2010 - Witnessing to Christ Today. Centenary of the Edinburgh 1910 World Missionary Conference
by Paul Stadler

From June 2nd to 6th in 2010 over 1,000 delegates will gather in Edinburgh, Scotland, to mark the centenary of the World Mission Conference that took place here from June 14-23, 1910, and later was praised as “one of the great landmarks in the history of the Church” (Kenneth Scott Latourette)...  [Find out more about Forum Mission]


27. March 09 - Union of Catholic Asian News (Thailand)

ASIA Christian leaders look forward to centenary of ecumenical conference

SEOUL (UCAN) -- Church leaders are preparing for an international ecumenical conference in Edinburgh, Great Britain, 100 years after a pioneering inter-Church gathering there. Sister Clemens Mendonca says she hopes the representatives of all Christian Churches attending "Edinburgh 2010" will discuss doing mission work from the point of view of marginalized people and the socially weak... [Read the full story]


28. January 09 - Evening News (UK)

Churches on a mission to celebrate centenary of historic conference
by Mark McLaughlin

It saw queues stretching round the block at St Giles' Cathedral and is widely viewed as one of the most important gatherings in the history of modern Christianity. Now the preparations for next year's centenary of the World Missionary Conference, which was held in Edinburgh in 1910, are entering the final stages. [Read the full story]


16. September 08 - LWF Youth Blog (Switzerland)

Edinburgh 2010: Witnessing to Christ today (I)
by Roger Schmidt

Is it possible to recreate great impulses? The World Missionary Conference in 1910, the first of its kind, had a major influence on church history in the 20th century. Many see it as an important milestone in the ecumenical movement, it certainly had greatly facilitated the coordination of the work of mission organizations... [Read the full story]


26. June 2007 - Lausanne III and E2010

Tall Skinny Kiwi - Christian Blog

I have been thinking about Edinburgh 2010 for 6 years. In 2001, I gave an emerging church presentation at the Great Commission Roundtable in Malaysia where the two groups, Lausanne and WEA, came together with AD2000. We talked about the 2010 conference in Edinburgh as a hundred year celebration of mission partnership...

Read more at tallskinnykiwi.


8. June 06 - Adventist News Network (USA)

World Church: Adventist Missiologist Joins Edinburgh 2010 Planning Group

The year was 1910. The place was Edinburgh, Scotland. The subject was missions."Edinburgh 1910," as the event is now known, was the first worldwide missionary conference representing most denominations... [Read the full story]