
Seminar 'Edinburgh 2010: Mission in an Era of World Christianity'

10.06.10 - 11.06.10

Commemorating the centennial celebrations of this Edinburgh 1910, centre IIMO (Expert Centre for Intercultural Theology, Interreligious Dialogue, Missiology and Ecumenics, Utrecht University) and the Institute for the Study of Religion, Culture and Society VISOR (VU University, Amsterdam) jointly organise a seminar in Utrecht on Thursday 10-11 June.


Attendance to the seminar is free, but it is necessary to register because the number of seats in the lecture is restricted. Please register before 7 June, preferably by email, with Jeannette Boere, a.c.m.boere (at), tel. (030) 253 2079. 


Two-day event

The symposium in Utrecht is the first part of a two day-event. It will be followed by a symposium on Challenges for Mission in the 21st century, jointly organised by the Evangelische Zendingsalliantie (EZA), the Katholieke Vereniging voor Oecumene (KVO) and the Nederlandse Zendingsraad (NZR) on Friday 11 June 2010 (Zusterplein 12, 3703 CB Zeist). For more information on the second part of the symposium, please visit or

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