
Rethink Mission conference

15.10.10 - 17.10.10
Nashville (Tennessee), USA

A coalition of missionaries and mission related personnel, primarily United Methodists with a passion for God’s mission, are organising an event at the Scarritt Bennett Center, Nashville, Tennessee on 15-17 October 2010. The planning committee consists of leaders of the missionary organizations, professors of mission and representatives of mission boards and Scarritt Bennett Center in Nashville, Tennessee, the historic site for training missionaries and Christian education workers. 

The programme will include scope for interdenominational and ecumenical discussions drawing on the rich resources of the Edinburgh 2010 missionary conference. Participants of the official Edinburgh 2010 conference will lead off the sessions and selected study themes will be highlighted during the three days together. Time will be included for designing action plans to see ways to engage the churches anew.

Download a flyer for this event here.

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