
Mission to Muslims, or Mission with Muslims?

04.06.10 - 04.06.10
Edinburgh, SCOTLAND

The E2010 consultation in Bangalore in summer 2009, posed this challenging question, as it reflected on the theme of Christian mission in a multi-faith world.  This question would never have been put in 1910, nor was there the same consciousness of the centrality of engagement with Islam globally and locally as is found in 2010.  On this evening, we will look at questions of mission and conversion, and working together for the common good, with the aid of case studies from St. Philip’s Leicester; Gothenburg, Sweden; and Edinburgh itself.  Delegates and others will be encouraged to reflect on their own context, in the light of contributions from leading Christians and Muslims from these places.

The event takes place on Friday, 4 June at 7.30 pm in St. Peter's Scottish Episcopal Church on Lutton Place, Edinburgh. for more information on the venue visit St. Peter's website, or email contact (at)

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