
Mission and Unity: Then, Now, and into the Future

18.06.10 - 19.06.10

The conference 'Mission and Unity: Then, Now, and into the Future' will celebrate the centennial of the landmark World Missionary Conference held in Edinburgh. The 1910 conference reshaped the churches approach to world mission, and also contributed to the emergence of the 20th century ecumenical movement. Topics to be covered include: an historical overview; a Biblical perspective; New Zealand women and overseas mission; ecumenism in the 21st century; a Maori perspective; the challenge of young people to the church; Christianity and world faiths. Panels will offer Pacific and Asian migrant perspectives. Among the presenters will be: Rev. Dr. Allan Davidson, Rev. Dr. Lynne Wall, Rev. Dr. Janet Crawford; Rt. Rev. John Bluck, Ms Te Aroha Rountree, Dr. Carlton Johnstone, Rev. Dr. Keith Rowe.

The conference will be held at St. John's/Trinity Theological College, 18-19 June. For more information contact Rev. John Roberts (Methodist Mission and Ecumenical) at mm-e (at), visit the website, or download the event flyer and registration form.

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