
Global Mission Consultation & Celebration

11.05.10 - 15.05.10
Tokyo, JAPAN

The Global Mission Consultation & Celebration will feature evening sessions of local `celebrations´ open to local churches in Japan. But during the day it will be a very serious `consultation´ of mission executives and mission leaders.

Because, as in 1910, all participants will be delegates chosen and sent by mission agencies, no one will be invited as a person. Tokyo churches are hosting the meeting. This meeting is thus far officially sponsored by various regional and global associations of mission agencies: the Asia Missions Association (AMA), the Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association of North America (IFMA-Canada, USA, Mexico, and some Caribbean nations), the Global Network of Mission Structures (GNMS, founded in 2004 at Amsterdam), and the Third World Mission Association (TWMA). The intention is to gain the sponsorship of as many national level associations as possible who can encourage their mission-agency members to send delegates.

See for more information.

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