
Global Mission Consultation & Celebration

06.01.10 - 10.01.10
Kolkata, INDIA

Youth Assembly of National Council of Churches of India 

LATEST: Download the Conference Report and Friendship Declaration.

The National Council of Churches in India (NCCI) is the Ecumenical Forum representing the vision and mission of more than 13 million people from Protestant and Orthodox Churches of India. The activities or the programmatic expressions of NCCI are carried out through the various Commissions. Commission on Youth (COY) is one of the seven commissions of NCCI which facilitates and promotes national ecumenical youth movement.

Commission on Youth tries to understand opportunities and challenges faced by the youth in their respective Church and society. It tries to respond to social issues and commit them for a meaningful social engagement. In order to strengthen and promote ecumenical youth participation and leadership, NCCI-COY plans to organize a National Ecumenical Youth Assembly (NEYA) based on the theme Come, Let's be Friends, from 6-10 January 2010 in St.Thomas School, Kolkata, India. 2010 is also the centenary year of the World Missionary Conference held in Edinburgh 1910. Commemorating the centenary year, Ecumenical Youth Assembly will also be reflecting to identify new and creative perspectives in the direction of ecumenical mission in the 21st century.

Come, Let’s Be Friends, is a universal beckoning by the young people to the whole of humanity. It is a call to renew and revitalize their tampered and broken relations with their fellow beings, nature and the creator. Throughout history humanity has been connected through various relations, but the one relation that is best cherished by everyone is the relationship of friendship. Commission on Youth offers friendship as a new and inclusive paradigm of relation to ecumenism for relating with the whole of creation. It believes that friendly relation alone will bind and unite all humanity together. National Ecumenical Youth Assembly targets to gather hundreds of youth from different Christian denominations and religious traditions from around the world, for more details please visit the assembly website.

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