
Edinburgh 1910 - 2010: Towards Unity in Mission

11.10.10 - 12.10.10
Swanwick, ENGLAND

This conference, organised by Churches Together in England, marks the centenary of the World Missionary Conference, often understood as the beginning of the modern ecumenical movement. It was a singular moment in the history and theology of mission and world Christianity. Speakers:

  • The Rev. Dr. Jeremy Morris (Dean of Trinity Hall, Cambridge, and a church historian who has written widely about twentieth century church history)
  • Dr. Kirsteen Kim (Associate Senior Lecturer at Leeds Trinity University College, and Study Process Coordinator of Edinburgh 2010)
  • Fr. James Hanvey SJ (Lecturer in Systematic Theology, Heythrop College, London, and a systematic theologian with particular interests in the Trinity and ecclesiology)

The cost of the conference will be £85. For more information and registration visit the event organiser's website.

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