
Church and Mission in a Multireligious Third Millenium, International Conference at Aarhus University

27.01.10 - 29.01.10

Globalisation, secularisation and the return of religion have led to pluralisation of the religious landscape, the result of which is the reigning multireligiosity so dominant in Western and other societies. This situation has given a totally new dynamic as to how religions spread and interact and pose questions as to how different societies deal with the reigning religious pluralism. Christian churches have been challenged to adapt to new situations. Because the concept of mission has come under scrutiny from postcolonial studies, and because the study of mission has been renewed in the direction of intercultural studies or studies in global theology and world Christianity, the academic study of mission is entering a new era. In the year 2010 where we celebrate the centennial for the imortant Edinburgh 1910 meeting we want to look ahead and analyze the actual and future challenges. With this conference we bring together outstandig theologians, missiologists and others from many different contexts. Denmark is ideally located to facilitate a discussion between different traditions, the Nordic, the Continental and the Anglo-American. The conference will highlight the following themes: Ecclesiology and Mission, Church Renewal for the Third Millennium, Church in Cyberspace, The Future of Missiology.

Deadline for paper proposals: October 15, 2009

For more information on programme and registration please visit the conference website:

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