
Christian Mission in the 21st Century. An Orthodox Perspective

04.02.10 - 07.02.10

The two-day consultation held in Minsk, Belarus, brings together 30 missiologists from Belarus, Eastern Europe and the rest of the world. The event aims to give an assessment of Orthodox mission in the 20th century, make an estimation of mission conditions at the present moment, and correlate the purpose of mission with the forms and methods used in Orthodox mission now. Themes to be presented and discussed include Edinburgh 1910 and the ecumenical movement. The consultation is organised by the Orthodox Mission Network CMS, in cooperation with St. Cyrille and Methodius Christian Education Center (Minsk, Belarus), St. Cyrille and Methodius Theological Insitute (Minsk, Belarus), and the Institute of Ecumenical Studies (Lviv, Ukraine).

A report on the consultation can be downloaded here.

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