
Boston Student Conference - The Changing Contours of World Mission and Christianity

04.11.10 - 07.11.10
Boston (Massachusetts), USA

Seminary students and faculty from all over the world, but particularly as based in the schools of theology, seminaries and university divinity schools of the Greater Boston (USA) area, will hold a conference sponsored by the Boston Theological Institute (BTI), the consortium of such schools. (A similar meeting was held in 1910 in Boston shortly after the one in Edinburgh.) The BTI envisions a conference that will come toward the end of 2010, offering a summation and analysis of the previous Edinburgh Conferences.

The conference in Boston, with the theme The Changing Contours of World Mission and Christianity, will reflect the student and academic character of its setting. This conference will be an opportunity not only to interact with key mission leaders but will also include workshops welcoming student participation at a variety of points, particularly around the leading themes of the Edinburgh mission process. The goal of the conference is to discern a vision for what might constitute mission in the twenty-first century, a mission that stands in the trajectory of Christian witness from the earliest days of the church and is inclusive of matters relating to human flourishing, reconciliation, faith in the future and conducive of religious liberty.

See for more information.

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