Aotearoa New Zealand mission studies

The Aotearoa New Zealand Association for Mission Studies (ANZAMS) held a mini-symposium at Laidlaw College, Henderson, New Zealand on 30-31 October 2009. The theme was 'From Edinburgh 1910 World Mission Conference to Edinburgh 2010 - Witnessing to Christ Today: Perspectives from Aotearoa/ New Zealand'.
By kind permission of the presenters and with the help of Ian Dally, administrator of Centre for Cross-cultural Ministry of the School of Mission and Ministry at Laidlaw College, the papers are available for download below.
The papers in in order of presentation are as follows:
- Steve Graham, 'Metaphors of Mission in the Gospel of Matthew: Generating a Biblical Paradigm of Mission through Cognitive Analysis of Selected Metaphors'
- Darren Ward, 'Missions and Power'
- John Roxborogh, 'Missiology after Mission: Global Christianities and Mission Studies -- An Emerging Discourse and a Sustainable Model'
Download Graham, Ward and Roxborogh papers (pdf file) here.
- David Foris, 'Dynamic Equivalence Translation'
- Adam Dodds, 'Newbigin's Trinitarian Missiology'
- Rosemary Dewerse, 'Missiologists as Key-holders for Theological Education Reform'
- Ross Langmead, 'Christian Communities in Contemporary Contexts: An Australian Perspective'
- Jono Ryan, 'On the Sense in Which We Can Use the Adjective 'Incarnational' in Mission'
Download Foris, Dewerse, Langmead and Ryan papers, and an abstract of Dodd's paper (pdf file) here.
- Hugh Kemp, 'History as Evangelism: Some Initial Critical Reflection on Researching Mongolia's Christian History'
- George Wieland & Andrew Butcher, 'Migrant Theologies: How Migrant Christian Communities in New Zealand Interpret Their Experience Theologically'
Download Butcher & Wieland paper (pdf file) here (Kemp paper not available).
- John Hitchen, 'The Place of Primal Religious Groups in Post-modern Mission'
- Peter Lineham, 'Assessing the Impact of New Zealand Missionaries on the World Scene'
Download Hitchen and Lineham papers here.