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Partnership and Collaboration in Mission

The aspect of this topic that I am considering at present is how we build effective collaboration in mission - evangelistion, discipleship and the growth of ecclesial communities. Biblical (especially Acts) studies and church history, not to mention contemporary expenience, indicate that Christian missioners often find it easier (more convenient?) to opperate alone and yet this is (a) theologically very questionable and (b) has led to major divisions within the Body of Christ.

Today we do, thankfully, see many good examples of collaboration in mission and I am seeing to identify not only 'good practice' but also those 'drivers' which motivate Christians engaged in mission towards collaboration rather than 'going it alone' or worse still 'competition' in mission.

If you are aware of any case studies I should be looking at I would be very happy to hear from you.  Write to mark.oxbrow (at) 

Posted By: Mark on Mar 05, 2009 07:00AM

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