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Vulnerable Mission

I met last week with Jim Harries who is a western (British) missionary working in Africa for many years and now in Kenya. He has a strong message to give about becoming vulnerable in mission and is asking western sending agencies to review how they send people and whether we can delink the sending of people from 'financial supply chain'. He was also quite critical of 'most' African church leaders in that he feels that they view most incoming missionaries as primarily a source of funding and that relationships are developed mainly for funding purposes. I found myself questioning some of what he had to say although very simpathetic to the concept of vulnerable mission. He has two websites at and and I would be interested to hear what others (especially African colleagues) make of his material. He is normally based in Western Kenya but passes through Nairobi so Joy may be able to catch up with him.

Posted By: Mark on Mar 23, 2009 07:15AM

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