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Theme 7 conference in Edinburgh

Edinburgh City Mission was the venue on 12-13 June for a conference linked to Edinburgh 2010 Theme 7.  According to Janice McLean, who helped organise the event, it was 'stimulating - highlighting the diversity of disciples and many of the complexities that accompany our investigation of what it means to be Christian communities within contemporary contexts'. 

As well as a substantial chapter for the pre-conference publication, the study group, convened by Dr Afe Adogame of the University of Edinburgh and Dr Philomena Mwaura of Kenyatta University, intends to publish an edited volume in the Edinburgh 2010 series.

For the conference programme, see the attached Word file below. 

Attached File: Commission_VII_provisional_programme.doc
Posted By: Kirsteen Kim on Jul 12, 2009 06:28PM

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