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Pentecostals reflect on Edinburgh themes
Members of the European Pentecostal Charismatic Research Association (EPCRA) met in Oxford, UK on 12-15 August 2009 and discussed Edinburgh 2010 themes. They selected three of the nine main themes as being most appropriate for their context: 2 Christian Mission Among Other Faiths; 4 Mission and Power; and 8 Mission and Unity. The quality of input from the papers was very high and led to stimulating discussion. This highlighted the distinctive contributions Pentecostals and Charismatics can make to these issues after more than a hundred years of experience.
Papers from the conference will soon be available on this site. The photograph shows the conference participants outside the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies,where the event took place.
Posted By: Kirsteen Kim on Aug 24, 2009 04:05AM