Atlas for Global Christianity available for Pre-order
The Atlas of Global Christianity (Edinburgh University Press, 380 pages, oversize, full-colour) is now available for pre-order for £60 or $100 (60% off the retail price of £150 or $250). This price is good until the 31st of August 2009. The Atlas should be available by the end of 2009. A flyer with more detailed information and an order form can be downloaded here. For further information please visit the publisher's website.
The Atlas of Global Christianity (AGC), is edited by Todd M. Johnson, Director, Center for the Study of Global Christianity, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Kenneth R. Ross, Council Secretary, Church of Scotland World Mission Council. Revd Professor Ross was one of the key figures in developing Edinburgh 2010, and led the earlier Towards 2010 study process.
The Atlas is a visual quick reference of the changing status of global Christianity over the 100 years since the epoch-making Edinburgh 1910 World Missionary Conference. It is the first scholarly atlas to depict the 20th century shift of Christianity from the Global North to the Global South. Contextual information on world issues and world religions is included. The atlas is ecumenical in that it covers every Christian tradition including Anglicans, Independents, Marginals, Orthodox, Protestants, and Roman Catholics. This is the first atlas to incorporate historical essays on Christianity 1910-2010 by scholars from each region of the world. Included is an interactive electronic product that contains all maps and graphs ready for classroom use.