ASEAN and Sri Lanka Edinburgh 2010 conference ~ Mission as reconciliation in pluralistic contexts

The Edinburgh 2010 study process for ASEAN and Sri Lanka held its conference at STM in Malaysia on 8-11 June 2009. Delegates from Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore and Sri Lanka were joined by friends from Germany, New Zealand, the USA and the UK. The theme of the event was 'Mission as reconciliation in pluralistic contexts'.
The conference concluded, 'Reconciliation is possible because of what God has done through Christ. The reality of his presence has been experienced in the here and now in the midst of conflict situations', and prayed to see that 'the whole church brings the whole Gospel for the whole person to the whole world in holistic ways with holistic motives' so that God’s reign of peace, love, justice, light and joy will come upon the earth', believing that 'Christ will bring the final fulfillment of his promise of the reconciliation of all creation when he comes again in glory!'.
Download the conference statement here.
- Delegates of the ASEAN and Sri Lanka Edinburgh 2010 conference, Seminari Theoloji Malaysia, June 2009
Conference papers for download
The following papers from the conference are available for download by kind permission of the authors and Revd Dr Philip Siew, conference organiser.
- David W. Shenk, 'Mission as reconciliation in pluralistic contexts: Theological foundations'
- David W. Shenk, 'Mission as reconciliation in pluralistic contexts: The praxis of reconciliation'
- Vinoth Ramachandra, 'Mission as reconciliation: Religious pluralism and social conflict'
- Paulus S. Widjaja, ''Mission as reconciliation amidst religious extremism: An Indonesian Christian perspective'
- Christopher Cheah, Response to Vinoth Ramachandra
- Joseph Komar, Response to Vinoth Ramachandra
- Hermen Shastri, Response to Paulus Widjaja