Funding Bodies

The Edinburgh 2010 project and conference is being jointly funded by the stakeholders of Edinburgh 2010 and a number of other churches, organisations and individuals. We are grateful for the generous support, time and effort given.
If you or your organisation want to support this project, please click here.
Stakeholders of Edinburgh 2010
- African Independent Churches
- Anglican Communion
- Asian Pentecostal Society
- Baptist World Alliance
- Church of Scotland
- Churches Together in Britain and Ireland
- Council for World Mission
- International Association for Mission Studies
- International Fellowship of Evangelical Students
- Latin American Theological Fellowship
- Lausanne Committee for World Evangelisation
- Lutheran World Federation
- Orthodox Churches
- Roman Catholic Church
- Seventh Day Adventist Church
- World Alliance of Reformed Churches
- World Council of Churches
- World Evangelical Alliance
- World Methodist Council
- World Student Christian Federation
Other funding bodies
- Areopagos
- Church of England
- Church of Sweden
- Evangelisches Missionswerk Germany
- Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
- Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission
- Methodist Church of Great Britain
- Norwegian Missionary Society
- Presbyterian Church of Canada
- Presbytery of Denver
- Protestant Church in the Netherlands
- Roman Catholic Bishops' Conference of Scotland
- Scottish Churches House
- Scottish Episcopal Church
- Scottish Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
- The Scottish Churches through ACTS and SCOT
- Yoido Full Gospel Church, Korea
- Young Nak Presbyterian Church, Korea