Dear ###USER_name###,
In our September edition we put a spotlight on one of the transversal topics of the study process, youth and mission.The stakeholders of Edinburgh 2010 aim to have 20% youth (18-30) among the delegates at the conference in June 2010. Moreover we encourage young people to take part in the ongoing global discussion about mission. Join our online consultation on facebook and bring fresh ideas to the table. Or participate in our youth essay and multimedia contests and win a trip to Edinburgh next year.
Our newsletter keeps you up-to-date on new resources, mission events, and all other news related to Edinburgh 2010. Please feel free to forward the information to anyone who might be interested. If you have any news or events you think would be appropriate for inclusion in our newsletter please let me know.
Jasmin Adam
Communications Officer
An Exciting Opportunity for Young Christians
An Interview with Kirk Sandvig, Youth and Mission Coordinator of Edinburgh 2010
Kirk, you are Youth and Mission Coordinator of Edinburgh 2010. What exactly is your task?
On paper, my task as the Youth and Mission Coordinator is really quite simple: to ensure that the voices of youth are heard though their increased participation in the various 2010 activities. While this task might seem rather straight forward, the unfortunate reality is that youth have often gone overlooked, as many of the mission conferences that I have attended have tended to be dominated by retired missionaries. As a result, young missionaries and missiologists have been reluctant to openly express their thoughts on mission. Fortunately, the organizers of Edinburgh 2010 are aware of this situation, and have made a committed effort to incorporate youth in the 2010 process. This is where I come in. Through consultation with various Christian youth organizations and the other Edinburgh 2010 organizers, we have been developing avenues that encourage youth to get involved with Edinburgh 2010 activities and make their voices be heard. We are currently busy ensuring that young people around the world are actually aware of Edinburgh 2010, and that they are able to play an integral part in it through their direct participation.
How can young people get involved in Edinburgh 2010?
There are a number of ways that young people can be involved in Edinburgh 2010. First, it must be said that the centenary celebration of the 1910 World Mission Conference in Edinburgh is not taking place solely during the events held in Edinburgh this coming June. Youth are gathering in places such Norway and India in celebration of Edinburgh 2010, and will be discussing issues of mission important within their own contexts. I would like to encourage all youth interested in Christian witness to participate in such events, and, if possible, organize similar gatherings on the national and local level, with the hopes that these experiences can be shared with the Edinburgh 2010 experience. If young people would like to get involved with Edinburgh 2010 more directly, Edinburgh 2010 is hosting a youth writing contest and a youth multimedia contest in hopes of boosting youth participation in the Edinburgh 2010 process. The contest winners will receive a sponsored invitation to the Edinburgh conference, where they will be able to present their project during one of the three evening sessions, as well as showcase their project throughout the conference. In addition to these contests, we are also encouraging youth to participate in the Edinburgh 2010 Online Consultation, hosted on Facebook. The Consultation takes place from September to November 2009, and consists of three topics for discussion through which each of the nine study themes will be addressed. Whether you consider yourself a member of the youth or not, I encourage everyone to be a part of this global discussion where Christians of all traditions will be able to share and discuss mission related topics.
What makes Edinburgh 2010 a special project for you?
As a student of Mission and World Christianity, I have heard countless stories of how the Edinburgh 1910 World Mission Conference has influenced the shape of Christian mission across the planet for the past 100 years. To find myself not only living and studying in the same place where such a monumental event took place, but to also have the ability take part in its centenary celebration is truly amazing. On top of all this, I am proud that Edinburgh 2010 is rightly emphasizing the participation of youth not only for be benefit of the Church of tomorrow, but also to encourage young leadership within the Church today. I can’t help but feel that I am a part of something that could lead to the influence of Christian mission for the next 100 years.
What's New?
Call for Volunteer Translators
Can you spare some time for mission? Edinburgh 2010 is an international project with events not just in Scotland, but all around the world. We want to do justice to our global audience and translate our website and other publications from English into various languages. We are therefore looking for volunteers, ideally with experience in translating and an interest in theological issues. There is a specific need for translations into the following languages: Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Italian, Arabic and Japanese. We would greatly appreciate your help! Please email Mrs Jasmin Adam at
Youth Writing Contest
Are you a young academic (ages 18-30) and interested in Christian mission? The Edinburgh 2010 Youth invites you to take part in a Youth Writing Contest. Essays should address one of the nine study themes, represent the perspective of youth, and be 3000 (maximum) words in length. They may be submitted in any of the languages of the conference: English, French or Spanish, or in other languages in consultation with the organizers. The author of the best paper will receive a sponsored invitation to the Edinburgh 2010 World Mission Conference in June, 2010. To submit an essay by the deadline of 15 January 2010, or for more information, visit our website or email Kirk Sandvig, Youth and Mission Coordinator, at
Youth Multimedia Contest
If you want to express your vision of mission in an artistic way, we invite you to take part in our Youth Multimedia Contest. Diverse forms of media will be accepted, including but not limited to: video, photography, music, painting, drawing, sculpture, etc. Projects should engage in the contest theme, 'The Changing Face of Mission'. To submit a project by the deadline of 15 January 2010, or for more information, visit our website or email Kirk Sandvig, Youth and Mission Coordinator, at
Edinburgh 2010 Website Refreshed
The Edinburgh 2010 website is a platform for Christians interested in mission related topics. During the summer months we have revised and refreshed our pages to make them more user-friendly. You will now find more information on how to participate in Edinburgh 2010, the background of the project and our international team of staff and volunteers. We also extended our study process section and created pages for transversal topics like women and mission or youth and mission.
Events & Opportunities
16-30 September 2009
Youth Online Consultation on Facebook
Venue: Edinburgh 2010 Facebook Group, Discussion Board
The Edinburgh 2010 Youth invites you to participate in the first of three Online Consultations. The Online Consultation will serve as a platform on which we build our understanding of mission, and provide a channel for sharing deeper theological and practical insights for the Edinburgh 2010 Study Process. In the first block we are addressing the following topics: Foundations for Mission, Christian Mission among other Faiths, Mission and Postmodernities. For more information download the event flyer.
17 September 2009
Fresh Voices, New Faces: Lausanne and the New Realitites of the Global Church - Lausanne Canada Evening with Lindsay Brown
Time: 7.30-8.45pm, Venue: Knox Presbyterian Church Toronto (Canada)
Lindsay Brown has been the International Director of the Lausanne movement since 2006, and a key figure in the preparation of Cape Town 2010. A native of Wales and former General Secretary of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES) representing over 400,000 students around the word, he is respected throughout the global Christian community for his exceptional vision and depth of understanding of global trends. For more information download the event flyer.
22 September 2009
Book launch party at the Centre for the Study of World Christianity
Time: 4.30-6.00pm, Venue: New College, Edinburgh (UK)
A wee reminder: New College and the Centre for the Study of World Christianity invite you to the launch of the two latest books on Edinburgh 2010. Edinburgh 2010. Mission Then and Now, edited by David A. Kerr and Kenneth R. Ross, is the first book to systematically examine the eight Commissions which reported to Edinburgh 1910 and gave the conference much of its substance and enduring value. The World Missionary Conference. Edinburgh 1910 by Brian Stanley is likely to become the standard academic study of the epoch-making 1910 conference. The launch party starts at 4.30 pm in Rainy Hall, New College, Edinburgh. Refreshments will be provided. To register for the event, please contact Jasmin Adam on 0131 2255722 or email at jadam (at)
30-31 October 2009
From Edinburgh 1910 World Mission Conference to Edinburgh 2010 - Witnessing to Christ Today: Perspectives from Aotearoa/ New Zealand
Venue: Laidlaw College - Aukland Campus
ANZAMS (Aotearoa-New Zealand Association for Mission Studies) is hosting a mini-symposium on new perspectives for mission in the 21st century. A selection of papers will be presented which will discuss some of the themes of next year's Edinburgh 2010 centenary celebrations. For further information and registration download the event flyer or contact Ian Dally at
Study Process Update
Commission VII: Christian Communities in Contemporary Contexts
The Commission 7: Christian Communities in Contemporary Contexts, is one of the nine Edinburgh 2010 Study Groups that has its focus on the key themes: Poverty, suffering and marginalized communities - the challenge that it presents to the Church; HIV/AIDS, the Church and Mission; Christianity and socio-political action; Identity, Gender and Power; Globalization and the reproduction of hierarchies; the interface of migration, diaspora and ethnicity; Reverse mission dynamics.
The Study Group comprises 15-20 core members drawn from all continents and diverse Christian traditions. In investigating the above-mentioned themes we have sought to incorporate the views of academics, researchers, church leaders, religious NGOs, as well as policy makers. We are convinced that such a multidimensional perspective is necessary for critical thinking about how missions is articulated and practiced in contemporary contexts and also to seek new directions for engagement in Christian Mission in the 21st century.
To date we have successfully held two consultations. A one-day Workshop was held on December 5, 2008 with 20 participants drawn mainly from the leadership of churches of immigrant/diaspora communities in Scotland. Papers/discussions at this seminar focused on ‘Challenges in Urban Mission’, ‘Understanding the Impact of Power Dynamics’; and ‘Gender and Youth’. The second, much larger consultation was a two-day international conference held on June 12 – 13, 2009. The over 35 participants were drawn from Africa, North America, Asia and Europe; with a paper presented in absentia on behalf of a contributor from Australia. The conference had its focus on the themes of Church and Reconciliation; Gender and Identity; Church and Poverty; Media, representation and Pentecostalism; Conducting Mission in Edinburgh; Church and Society; and Mission in Diaspora. Most paper contributions from these two events are being reviewed and prepared in an edited book volume. Besides, the study group is preparing a 10,000- word Summary Report for the Edinburgh 2010 Project.
Dr. Afe Adogame
New Mission Resources
World Missionary Conference Records at the Burke Library Archives in New York
The Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary in New York is the largest theological library in the western hemisphere. With holdings of over 700,000 items, it is recognized as one of the premier libraries in its field and includes extensive holdings of unique and special materials. In its Missionary Research Library Archives the library holds amongst others 33 boxes of records from the 1910 World Missionary Conference, including those from the Continuation Committees established to continue work beyong the 1910 meeting. Click here to download the finding aid or visit the library website.
Pray with us
You are invited to join in prayer with all those who look with faith and hope towards the events of Edinburgh 2010.
Take time to listen to the Word of God.
'When anyone is united to Christ, there is a new world; the old order has gone, and a new order has already begun. From first to last this has been the work of God. God has reconciled us to himself through Christ, and he has enlisted us in this service of reconciliation....he has entrusted us with the message of reconciliation. We come therefore as Christ's ambassadors.'
2 Corinthians 5:17-20
Ponder that Word ... reconciliation ... Christ's ambassadors ...
and let us pray
God of mercies, we give you thanks and praise that you have indeed called us to serve as bearers of the message of reconciliation. Enable us to be true ambassadors, loyal to Christ Jesus your Son, faithful to his truth, bearers of his gospel. We give you thanks for the many men and women who have accepted this mission with courage and humility. May we learn together from their witness. In your mercy, hear our prayer.
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