Dear ###USER_name###,
One of the great things about our network is that it offers an opportunity to meet Christians living in different contexts. The second of three online consultations has shown how fruitful such a meeting - even a virtual one - can be.
At a very early stage of the lively and very interesting discussion the tremendous importance of language in theological education was pointed out. That's one of the reasons why our new brochure is not just available in English, but in French and Spanish too. With the help of volunteers we hope to provide the brochure in even more languages soon. If you want to find out what we want to achieve with the material, have a look at the 'What's new?' section of this newsletter.
Best wishes
Jasmin Adam
Communications Officer
On God’s Mission
The Archbishop of York, Dr. John Sentamu, is one of the leading spokespersons for the Church of England. He accepted the invitation of the Edinburgh 2010 General Council to conduct the Sunday Worship on 6 June 2010 at the Assembly Hall in Edinburgh. Archbishop Sentamu will be joined by representatives of the Evangelical, Pentecostal, Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches.
"Mission goes out from God. Mission is God's way of loving and saving the world". For Anglican Christians God's mission is about transformation – transforming individual lives, transforming communities and transforming the world. It has to do with making Christ visible by the power of the Holy Spirit, who is the Supreme Director of Mission. Born in Uganda as the sixth of thirteen children, John Sentamu has seen God transform the lives of many people in his home country, Britain and the world. Encouraged in his education by British missionaries and teachers, he graduated in law from Makerere University, Kampala, and practiced law at the Bar and the Bench before he came to the UK in 1974. He studied theology at Selwyn College, Cambridge, obtained an M.A. and Ph.D. and has trained for ordination at Ridley Hall, Cambridge. John Sentamu was ordained in 1979 and served as an assistant chaplain at Selwyn College, Cambridge. After serving in a succession of London parishes, he was appointed Bishop for Stepney in 1996, Bishop for Birmingham in 2002 and Archbishop for York in 2005.
The plight of young people, the importance of the family, freedom from slavery, racism and injustice and conflict abroad are some of the issues that are particularly close to Sentamu’s heart. With his strong commitment he has made a big impact in the past years, always stressing how important it was that the Church regains her vision and confidence in the Good News of the Gospel. For "our God is a Pilgrim God."
What's New? Join the Celebrations and organise your own 2010 event!
What's your mission? Quelle est votre mission? ¿Cuál es vuestra misión? The year 2010 offers a unique opportunity for Christians all over the world to celebrate God's call to mission. We, the Edinburgh 2010 team, want to invite you, your church or Christian community to commemorate all that we have received from God down the centuries and to commit yourself to witness to Christ today.
Join groups of Christians all around the world in holding your local celebration of mission. The event can be at any time of the year to suit your programme, or on 6 June 2010 to link with others around the world. You may want it to be an ecumenical act of worship, a youth night, a drama presentation, an outreach event or a home group celebration. Whatever you plan, be creative and tell us about it. For more information visit our website or download our brochure in English, Spanish or French. More languages will be available soon.
Lively Online Consultation on 2010 Study Themes
A report by Kirk Sandvig
The Edinburgh 2010 Online Consultation has now finished the first two of three blocks of discussion aimed at addressing the main themes of the 2010 conference. The first discussion, which lasted from September 16–30, focused on themes: ‘Foundations for Mission’, ‘Christian Mission Among Other Faiths’, and ‘Mission and Postmodernities’. Those contributing to the discussion represented perspectives from various denominational backgrounds and geographical areas (including India, Japan, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Ukraine, and the U.K, to name just a few). Conversations ranged from understandings of how we define ‘mission’, to personal experiences of how we engage in Christian witness in the postmodern world.
Building on the momentum from the first discussion, the Online Consultation took up issues of ‘Mission and Power’, ‘Forms of Missionary Engagement’, and ‘Theological Education and Formation’, as it moved into its second block of discussions, lasting from October 14–28. This discussion brought into question issues ranging from how best to utilize youth for mission engagement, to improvements needed in theological institutions to better prepare students, to the use of language as it applies to mission and power. These discussions, conducted on the discussion board of the Edinburgh 2010 Facebook group, can be viewed (even if you don't have a facebook profile) by following this link.
SCOT publishes 2010 Material for Britain and Ireland
As the year 2010 approaches, more and more local initatives join the efforts of our international network to mark the Centenary. SCOT, the Scottish Coordinating Team, has recently published a leaflet and a prayer card and is currently distributing the material among Churches in Britain and Ireland.
The Material is available from the resources page of our website, or here: SCOT leaflet, prayer card. To get in touch with SCOT email contact (at)
Study Process Update
Theme 6: Theological Education and Formation
The Edinburgh 2010 international study group on theological education met twice between November 2008 and August 2009 and shared several substantial papers and contributions on the history, regional developments, theological challenges and future perspectives of theological education in World Christianity.
The working group produced a summary report on theological education which is entitled: Challenges and Opportunities in Theological Education in the 21st Century - Pointers for a new international debate on theological education. This World Report on theological education is available in two versions, a shorter version which is prepared for the conference preparatory volume (around 25 pages) and an extended version with many additional case studies and contextual references of some 90 pages which is going to be published separately.
The study group is also working on a major publication project which is called 'Handbook on Theological Education for World Christianity' and will contain innovative theological perspectives, accurate regional surveys and promising ecumenical perspectives on theological education from all different constituencies which are part of the Edinburgh 2010 process. A more detailed version of this article including names of group members and recommendations for the future of theological education can be found here.
Prof. Namsoon Kang, Convener
Dr. Dietrich Werner, Co-Convener
Events & Opportunities
11-25 November 2009
Third Youth Online Consultation on Facebook
Venue: Edinburgh 2010 Facebook Group, Discussion Board
On November 11 we start the last of our three online consultations on the Edinburgh 2010 study themes. All member of our facebook group are invited to share their ideas about the following topics: Christian Communities in Contemporary Contexts, Mission and Unity - Ecclesiology and Mission, Mission Spirituality and Authentic Discipleship. You don't need to be a facebook member to follow the discussion. However, you have to join our group, if you like to participate and post comments. For more information download the event flyer.
18-25 January 2010
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Venue: global event
At least once a year, many Christians become aware of the great diversity of ways of adoring God. Hearts are touched, and people realize that their neighbours' ways are not so strange. Traditionally celebrated between 18-25 January (in the northern hemisphere) or at Pentecost (in the southern hemisphere), the Week of Prayer enters into congregations and parishes all over the world. Pulpits are exchanged, and special ecumenical worship services are arranged.
The global organisers (the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the World Council of Churches) of the Week of Prayer asked Scotland to host the week in 2010 to mark the centenary of the World Missionary Conference that met in Edinburgh. Scotland suggested as the theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2010, "You are witnesses to these things" (Luke 24:48).
For more information and resources visit the WCC website. Churches in Britain and Ireland can find information here.
New Mission Resources
Now available for pre-publication ordering
Joining in with the Spirit
By Kirsteen Kim
(2010), ISBN: 978-071620658-3
On the eve of the Edinburgh 2010 celebrations, Joining in with the Spirit makes the connection between mission as the work of mission agencies overseas and mission as the acitivity of a local church. It shows how, through the global flows of scholarship, missionary movements and migration, mission initiatives in different parts of the world impinge on the churches in Britain, which are but part of a world church. Joining in with the Spirit is an accessible introduction to mission studies - the history, theology and issues of mission, which is up-to-date and supported by contemporary scholarship. It also offers a theological framework for mission, which applies both globally and locally, to help the reader discern the movement of the Spirit of Christ among the many other spirits of this world.
Kirsteen Kim is Associate Senior Lecturer in Theology at Leeds Trinity and All Saints, and Research Coordinator for Edinburgh 2010. She also serves as Vice Moderator of the Commission for World Mission and Evangelism of the World Council of Churches.
Joining in the Spirit is now available for pre-publication ordering at special price of £17.50 (Quote code joinin2010 to be applied). For more information visit
Pray with us
You are invited to join in prayer with all those who look with faith and hope towards the events of Edinburgh 2010.
Take time to listen to the Word of God.
Be generous to your servant and I shall live,
and shall keep your words.
Open my eyes and I shall fix my gaze
on the wonders of your law.
Traveller though I am on the earth,
do not hide your commandments from me.
My heart is pining away with longing
at all times for your judgements.
You have rebuked the arrogant
who stray from your commandments.
Set me free from taunts and contempt
because I observe your instructions.
Psalm 119:17-22
Ponder that Word, and pray
Let us pray particularly this month for all young people who look for truth and justice; that they may find help and encouragement for a life lived in the presence of God, and that adults who claim to be Christian may offer them genuine leadership and care.
Almighty God, lover of all who inhabit our earth, grant that we may recognise your Spirit at work in every time and place where mercy and justice are sought and shared. Call us and gift us to be makers of peace and to bring healing where there is pain and hurt. Inspire in us a longing for your reign to come in our hearts and in our living. Let us be true disciples of Christ the teacher and true apostles, sent in his name. Fill the minds and hearts of young men and women with the desire to know you and to serve you in their brothers and sisters, especially those in poverty and need. Hear our prayer, o Lord of all.
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