Dear Reader,
Welcome to the first edition of the Edinburgh 2010 Newsletter. The Newsletter will be published on the first Thursday of every month. It keeps you up-to-date on new resources, mission events, and all other news related to Edinburgh 2010. Please feel free to forward the information to anyone you think may be interested.
If you have any news or events you think would be appropriate for inclusion in the Edinburgh 2010 Newsletter please let me know. The deadline for Newsletter contributions is the first Monday of every month.
Due to technical reasons you receive our Newsletter through the e-news service of the World Council of Churches. If you want to subscribe/ unsubscribe please send me an email. You can contact me at
Best wishes from Scotland
Dr. des. Jasmin Adam
Communications Officer
Greetings from the Chairman
I welcome this Newsletter most warmly, and I am grateful to our newly appointed Communications Officer, Jasmin Adam, for initiating it. We have just 12 months left before the 2010 Conference. Much has been already achieved in the Study Process and in preparation for the Edinburgh Conference, but much remains to be done. This Newsletter will keep you informed of our increasing activites as next June approaches, and will advise you on how you can be involved.
Edinburgh 2010 is an exciting project bringing together a unique combination of all the major strands of the World Church, Protestant, Anglican, Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Pentecostal. It has a huge potential for good in shaping and directing Christian mission for the coming century and is generating great interest wherever Christians hear about it.
I commend it to you for your continuing interest and prayers.
Rev. Andrew Anderson
Chairman of the General Council
A Look Back
The World Missionary Conference made a great impact on Christianity and laid the foundations for the Protestant ecumenical movement. By reminding ourselves of the past, we shall be inspired for the days ahead of us.
John R. Mott, an American evangelist, was one of the main organisers and a key figure of the 1910 conference. In his Closing Address, delivered in the Assembly Hall on the 23rd of June 1910, he passionately declared:
"Our best days are ahead of us and not in these ten days that we have spent together, still less in the days that lie behind them. Why? Because we go forth tonight with larger knowledge, and this in itself is a talent which makes possible better things. We go out with a larger acquaintanceship, with deeper realisation of this fellowship which we have just seen, and that is a rich talent which makes possible wonderful achievements. Our best days are ahead of us because of a larger body of experience now happily placed at the disposal of all Christendom. Our best days are ahead of us because we have a deeper insight into the character and purposes, the desires and the rescources of our God.
Our best days are ahead of us because we have a larger Christ, even one who requires, as we have learned increasingly these days, all of us, and all nations, and races, and communions through which adequately to express His excellences, and to communicate His power to our generation. We have a larger knowledge of the purposes and designs of God, and we have come to see that these are immeasurably greater than we had dreamt. Therefore, with rich talents like these which we bear forth, surely our best days are ahead of every one of us, even the most distinguished person in our great company."
John R. Mott 'Closing Address',
in The History and Records of the Conference,
World Missionary Conference, Edinburgh 1910
What's New?
Edinburgh 2010 Press Release (08/05/2009)
The General Council of Edinburgh 2010 met in Scotland from 15 to 17 April to further develop plans for the celebration of the centenary of the 1910 World Missionary Conference, which is widely recognised as the parent of the contemporary ecumenical and world missionary movement. The Council has firmed up many of its plans in the shadow of the global economic crisis, but also in the days of rejoicing immediately around the celebration of Easter in our different traditions. The three key components to the 2010 celebrations have again been affirmed.
The first is the study process, which the Council recognises as the central part of its strategy to allow the impact of the centenary to spread far beyond one place and time. The study process has been developed globally around nine key themes relating to the challenges of the Christian Gospel to the realities faced by millions of believers in widely different contexts and cultures.
The second is a series of events around the world, which are being encouraged by the General Council but planned and executed locally, in which different church communities choose their own ways to mark the centenary. “This way of marking the 1910 Conference recognises and affirms the development of the Church around the world in the last 100 years,” says Andrew Anderson, the Council Chairman.
The third will be a four day event in Edinburgh itself. This will bring together some 200 delegates, when those taking part in the international study process will engage with representatives from the worldwide church to explore what challenges the study process may bring to the life of churches over the years to come. Then the final day will see a much larger gathering, of over a thousand people, designed to be a day of celebration, thanksgiving, penitence and re-commitment.
In all of the above the Council believes it is developing a process rather than just a programme - one that will be rooted in the life of churches all around the world. As plans have sharpened, the scale of the single event in Edinburgh itself has been reduced, to allow the impact of the process to take root more effectively everywhere else. There is now a structure in place that is theologically vibrant, intellectually credible, financially responsible, is rooted in the lives of ordinary people, and is one whose impact will be felt for many years to come, as we reflect on, and celebrate our core theme “Witnessing to Christ Today”.
Packed and ready to go where...
Korean Christianity has experienced an explosion in growth since the 1960s and the churches in Korea now send out more missionaries than in most other countries of the world. Edinburgh 2010 has sought to therefore build relationships with churches there and a consultation on Spirituality and Discipleship was hosted this past March by the Youngnak Presbyterian Church.
Dr. Daryl Balia, the International Director of Edinburgh 2010, was there and also gave a keynote address at another 2010 event held at the largest single congregation in the world, the (Pentecostal) Yoido Full Gospel Church, which has a membership of some 730,000 Christians. Dr. Balia observed that, 'Churches elsewhere simply cannot ignore the vibrancy and vitality of spiritual life in this part of Asia any longer as we have much to learn from it.' In the picture Youngnak Presbyterian Church hosts Sarah Won and Dr. Andrew Ha are seen bidding a fond farewell to Rev. Andrew Anderson and Dr. Balia respectively at Incheon Airport in Seoul, Korea.
Seoul Consultation Papers now Online
On 22-24 March 2009 Study Group 9 met for a consultation on 'Mission spirituality and authentic discipleship' in Seoul, South Korea. You can download a PDF version of the papers from our website.
Communications Officer Appointed
Last month I joined the Edinburgh 2010 team as Communications Officer. In Germany I studied business management and marketing-communications and worked for various media companies. I completed my PhD in Book and Media Studies this spring and am now looking forward to an exciting year in Scotland. If you have any questions regarding the communications side of Edinburgh 2010, please contact me, Jasmin Adam at
New Youth and Mission Coordinator
Greetings! As the Edinburgh 2010 Youth and Mission Coordinator, my goal is to engage Christian youth from around the world and across denominational lines in the Edinburgh 2010 conference. Through various means of expression, youth will be able to share their voices about mission in the world and celebrate the diversity of the Christian Church. If you would like to learn how to become involved with the Edinburgh 2010 youth events, please contact me, Kirk Sandvig at
Programme Committee Reorganised
At its meeting in April the Edinburgh 2010 General Council decided to reduce the size of the Edinburgh 2010 event planned for 2-6 June next year from 1,200 to 250. Scaling down the Edinburgh event will, it is hoped, allow the impact of the study process to take root more effectively in the other missional events being planned in various countries for 2010. The main focus of the programme will now be on the nine study themes and the transversals, although on the final day there will be a large celebration in the Assembly Hall. The events planned for the previous days in Pollock Halls will, of course, also take place within the context of worship.
The Council renamed the Edinburgh 2010 Programme Committee as the Edinburgh 2010 Events Committee, and also revised its remit and its membership. The task of the Events Committee is to plan the content and flow of the event on the basis of the decisions of the governing bodies, with the help of the International Director, Dr. Daryl Balia, and staff and in liaison with the University of Edinburgh. The Committee plans to meet in Edinburgh on 23 and 24 June. Part of the agenda is a joint session with the University Liaison Committee.
Fergus Macdonald
Convener of the Edinburgh 2010 Events Committee
Join us on Facebook!
The Edinburgh 2010 Facebook group is now online. Just klick on the link or search for Edinburgh 2010, join and spread the word. Our group started off with 17 members from around the world and is growing steadily. Here we have the opportunity to share ideas, discuss study themes and meet other people who are interested in the current and future challenges of Christian mission.
Study Process Update
A polycentric study process with 9 main study themes, 7 transversal themes and more than 30 additional events in different parts of the world is certainly unique in the history of Christian mission! As Research Coordinator since January 2009, it is my privilige to be in touch with all these activities to encourage them to relate to one another and to find ways of disseminating their work. The internet is in keeping with the polycentric and networking pattern of the process of Edinburgh 2010, and so the website ( is the best place to find out about what has been going on. It is growing rapidly as more information comes in and is uploaded, and as new connections are made across it.
Under the 'study process' you can learn about the main study themes and read the blogs of the groups which have been working on these for a year or more. Information about transversal activities will be uploaded soon - do get in touch if you have something to contribute to one of these. Events in May 2009 included the international conference of United Evangelical Mission in Wuppertal, Germany, and an East African regional conference on 'Christian communities in contemporary contexts' in Nairobi. Click on the link to see more and find out what they discussed. Check out 'Resources' for the latest papers and publications, such as Edinburgh 2010: Mission Then and Now (edited by David Kerr and Kenneth Ross and published by Regnum Paternoster): the first publication of the projected Edinburgh 2010 series.
Dr. Kirsteen Kim
Research Coordinator
Events & Opportunities
17 June 2009
Urban Refreshment - Day of Prayer and Conversation
Time: 10.30-3.30pm, Venue: Bethel Community Curch, Newport (UK)
The Urban Mission Development Project invites you to a day of prayer and conversation about Christian presence in towns and cities in Wales. The day will include seminars and case studies from across the traditions within Wales. For further information please visit the Urban Mission website at
1-3 July 2009
Sinking Foundations: Why Mission Today? A Meeting of Churches and Agencies in Britain and Ireland
Venue: All Nations Christian College, Easneye, Ware, Hertfordshire (UK)
In preparation for the Edinburgh 2010 Conference BIAMS, the CTBI Global Mission Network and the evangelical Global Connections jointly sponsored a research project to take a snapshot of the theological understandings, motivation and practice of mission by British and Irish churches and agencies at the beginning of the 21st century. This Conference is part of the process of reception of that research and is also a key opportunity at the beginning of the 21st century to reflect on the theological bases for engagement in mission in and from Britain and Ireland. What is the relationship between what we do and the reasons under God that we give for why we do it? What is God saying to us and calling us towards? Registration for Sinking Foundations is possible until the 24th of June. For further details please visit the conference website.
27-29 January 2010
Church and Mission in a Multireligious Third Millennium - International Conference
Venue: Aarhus University (Denmark)
Aarhus University, the Faculty of Theology, and the Danish Centre for Contemporary Religion, are bringing together outstanding theologians, missiologists and others from various contexts to analyse current and future challenges in the study of mission. Denmark is ideally located to facilitate a discussion between different traditions, the Nordic, the Continental and the Anglo-American. Papers are invited (5,000-6,000 words) in one of the four main themes of the Conference: 1. Ecclesiology and Mission, 2. Church and renewal for the third millennium, 3. Church in cyberspace, 4. The future of missiology. All proposals for papers will be peer-reviewed by an international committee. Participants with accepted papers will be exempt from paying the conference fee. The deadline for proposals (300 words) is October 15. For further information please visit the conference website at
New Mission Resources
First Publication of the Edinburgh 2010 Series
Edinburgh 2010. Mission Then and Now
Edited by David A. Kerr and Kenneth R. Ross
(2009), ISBN: 978-1-870345-73-6
Though the outcomes of the 1910 World Missionary Conference have differed in many ways from the expectations of its participants, after a century its momentous significance is clearer than ever. While the missionary movement went into decline, from its work emerged a world church, with deep roots and vigorous expression on every continent. As the centeneray of the Conference approaches, the time is ripe to examine its meaning in light of the past century and the questions facing Christian witness today. This book is the first to systematically examine the eight Commissions which reported to Edinburgh 1910 and gave the conference much of its substance and enduring value. It will deepen and extend the reflection being stimulated by the upcoming centenary and will kindle the missionary imagination for 2010 and beyond. For further information please visit the publisher's website.
Altlas of Global Christianity now available for Pre-order
Atlas of Global Christianity
Edited by Todd M. Johnson and Kenneth R. Ross
(2009), ISBN: 978-0-7486-3267-1
The Atlas of Global Christianity (Edinburgh University Press, 380 pages, oversize, full-colour) is now available for pre-order for £60 or $100 (60% off the retail price of £150 or $250). This price is good until the 31st of August 2009. The Atlas should be available by the end of 2009.
The Atlas of Global Christianity (AGC), is edited by Todd M. Johnson, Director, Center for the Study of Global Christianity, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Kenneth R. Ross, Council Secretary, Church of Scotland World Mission Council. Revd Professor Ross was one of the key figures in developing Edinburgh 2010, and led the earlier Towards 2010 study process.
The Atlas is a visual quick reference of the changing status of global Christianity over the 100 years. It is the first scholarly atlas to depict the 20th century shift of Christianity from the Global North to the Global South. Contextual information on world issues and world religions is included. The atlas is ecumenical in that it covers every Christian tradition including Anglicans, Independents, Marginals, Orthodox, Protestants, and Roman Catholics. For further information please visit the publisher's website.
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